Chapter 8 - Unnecessary Tension

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Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel it's ya boy Superhorrorbro back at it with another Minecraft Let's Play.
I forgot that Shipahoy Wilson existed until about 20 minutes ago, but he's kinda sorta important to the story of Bendy and the Dark Revival so he'll be in this book eventually. Just thought you should know that.

    Right now, I'm sitting in a chair at Allison's house, or place of residence, or whatever it is. She managed to not completely flip out before, and actually led Inky and I here with her. Sadly, she's very sternly explained to me that he has to wait outside. I feel offended about this on the Ink Demon's behalf, but I also can't exactly blame her. So here I am, sitting in a chair with a cup of water/ink, while Inky does who knows what jack squat outside, and Allison paces around the room with her hand on her chin. She's probably trying to think of the best way to explain this situation to Tom once he gets back from scavenging for parts.

    The longer we wait, the more nervous I feel. What if Tom tries to attack Inky? He seems like an aggressive guy to me, so this is pretty worrying. I don't want him to die because that would suck.

    "Would Tom try to fight the Ink Demon if he didn't know they're supposed to be friends?" I awkwardly ask Allison.

    "He would just run away. He knows better than to attack the demon," she says while still pacing.

    "That's good then," I say, because I don't know how else I should respond.

I'm still feeling antsy, so I get up to go outside and visit with Inky. Allison looks like she's about to tell me to stay here, but then wordlessly acquiesces.

    As I go out, the first thing I see is Inky sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the ground right next to the door. I don't know if it's just me, but I think he looks surprisingly cute when he's sitting like that. He doesn't greet me or anything, he just stares like a weirdo. Not that I mind, though.

"Hi, Ink Demon," I say with a little wave. He waves with his own clawed hand in response. I sit down next to him.

    "You've gotta promise you won't attack Tom when he gets here, or I think my nerves are going to kill me," I say after an exhale. Inky cocks his head a tiny bit.

    "What reason would I have to attack him?" he asks me confusedly.

    I hesitate. I guess I don't trust him as much as I thought.

    "You are worrying about nothing, Y/N," he tells me simply.

    I feel embarrassment turn my face as red as a black and white coloured world will permit.

    "Okay you're right, you wouldn't attack somebody for no reason," I say, reassuring myself.

    "I would and I have killed for less than no reason in the past," he says bluntly.

    "Oh," I sputter. "Um, okay, but like, you wouldn't kill a friend for no reason, so I have no need to worry about this, right?"

    Inky just stares at me distantly.

    "Alright whatever, what I need is for you to be nice to Tom, and you also need to be nicer to Allison, I know she's been cold to you but you've also been kinda mean to her," I explain to him.

    "Why is this of such great concern to you?" he asks me.

    I pause for a short moment. It seems like a silly question at first, but when I think about it, I realize I don't fully know.

    "Um, I'm not really sure. I just like you a lot, so I want you to get along with my other friends... Wait, no, I don't like you, I mean, I like you as a friend, not as anything else-"

I keep tripping over myself as I try to backtrack on every statement that comes out of my mouth. I mentally pray to God that the Ink Demon can't see how much I'm blushing right now, although I don't know exactly how well praying works if you're not saying it aloud. This is the absolute worst.

Inky places his hand on my back as reassurance, saying "Y/N, you are over-explaining yourself to the point it is making both of us uncomfortable. It would be best if you refrain from speaking now."

I didn't notice this before, but his hand is surprisingly warm. I try my best not to look as overwhelmed by emotions as I am right now. Am I actually getting feelings for this guy? Boy I really want him to not notice. I try to say something, but I can't seem to get any words out. Only a quiet squeaky noise manages to escape my mouth.

I am instantly taken out of this moment when a loud crash resounds from whatever area is to the right of us. Allison bolts out of her house thing, ignoring Inky and I as she nimbly dashes to the source of the sound. I jump to my feet to follow her. I have no idea what it could be, but if it's cool then I don't want to miss it. I notice Inky doesn't come with us, but it's probably fine.

Allison turns around a corner and I follow suit. She stops suddenly, but my reaction time is just a second too slow, and I run right into her back. Shockingly, she doesn't tumble over when we make impact, and so for me it's a lot like crashing into an immovable tree. It hurts.

The angel ducks to crouch next to a very large cardboard box, but I can't even attempt to do the same because the world is spinning right now. She grabs my arm and pulls me down next to her. I yelp automatically, then quickly go quiet as I realize we are supposed to be hiding from something. My vision goes straight again, allowing me to see Allison peeking around the side of the box. I do the same, and holy cow. There's like, 3 slug monsters from before, wandering around like a small pack of hungry wolves. The last monster is dragging the limp body of a lost one by the leg. The middle monster has a lost one slung over its shoulder.

    "There's more of them?!" I whisper to Allison, who doesn't take her eyes off the amalgamate creatures.

    "There's lots of Keepers- but they don't usually come around this area. I don't get why they're here," she whisper explains to me.

    "So, that's what they're called? Keepers?" I ask her. I didn't realize there was a name for these things until right now.

    "Yes, now we should probably be quiet," she says, and she doesn't need to say it twice.

    Then a loud, low growl vibrates the walls and floors. Allison, the Keepers, and I all visibly tense up. We know the sound, and we know what's about to happen.


First of all I'd like to ask: Was the first marginally romantic scene I've ever written any good? Please do tell, I would like to know. (I hate this, romance sucks.)


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