Chapter 6 - Past Life

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So sorry for the wait, fellas! I felt morally obligated to write the next chapter. Hopefully, the next one won't take so long to come out! Anyways I have KD and Lunchmeat by Golden Boy stuck in my head right now so here we go.


I decide I'll just follow the Ink Demon wherever he goes from now on. It's probably safer as long as he decides to not kill me. I've got a little pep in my step now, and I'm really excited to find Allison and Tom again.

    "So, do you have any other names I can call you other than just the Ink Demon?" I ask him, hoping to get a conversation of some sort started. I don't know if he finds the silence uncomfortable, but I definitely do

    "I am the Ink Demon, that is absolute," he says in that dark, gravelly voice of his.

    "How about I call you, uh, Inky?" I suggest.

    "Never refer to me that way," he growls.

    "Okay, sorry, Ink Demon it is." I will secretly continue to refer to him as Inky in my head from now on.

I'm not really sure why, but ever since I got out of that giant hole with him, I haven't been very scared of Inky. Maybe I'm in shock or something. No, actually, that doesn't make sense. Hey, speaking of getting stuck in holes-

"How come you needed me to rescue you that first time we met if you could get out as easily as that?" I snap my fingers when I say 'that' for emphasis. Inky stops for a moment, but he doesn't respond at first.

"Um, hello?" I ask him, waving my hand. He looks hesitant to say anything.

"I dropped something down there, I needed to get it back. You coincidentally threw the ladder when I had found it," he says after a moment of hard thinking. Wow, what a great excuse.

"Really? And what was it that you dropped?" I ask him, maybe a little more accusingly than I had intended. He doesn't respond, and instead breaks open a wooden crate that was laying around. I quickly duck to avoid getting a flying wood chip to the face.

"You are hungry now, this is food for you," he says, motioning to the cans located inside the obliterated box.

"Thank you, I guess I am hungry," I say as I approach the food. I pick up a can labelled as bacon soup. I've seen this stuff at the grocer's before, but I've never actually tried it. There's nothing to cook it with, so here's to hoping it can be eaten as is.

"Alright, so, since you clearly don't want to talk about the pit, why don't you have some gourmet bacon soup for yourself?" I ask Inky as I try to cut the lid of the can off using a broken piece of wood. I surprise myself with how effective this method of can opening is.

"I don't eat that kind of food," he says flatly.

"Why, are you too good for it?" I inquire playfully.

"I eat people when I am hungry, not bacon soup."

"Ah," I blurt. Okay. Sure, I guess.

"Do you ever feel bad about killing a lot of people? I know they're all ink, but still-" I wonder out loud.

"No. The ink revives them all in due time. Many's minds have been lost for so long, they won't even remember they had died." He lowers himself to take a seat on the floor. After a few seconds of me letting that sink in, I nearly drop my bacon soup.

"You mean, I can't really die down here?!" I exclaim. The demon grins a little.

"Is this something you desired?" He asks me, sounding a little amused.

Beware the Ink Demon? (BATDR Ink Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now