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EDUARDO PEERED INSIDE the dorm window, then looked worriedly behind him. "Right. It would be a bad idea to let the zombies in!"

Solomon tossed his phone back in his jacket pocket. "She's fine, just trapped."

"How do we join her?" Eduardo asked.

"She has a plan, and we can combine our ideas together." He smiled.

Eduardo let out a deep breath. "Super! What do we do? Some of the zombies are now gaining notice of us."

Solomon looked around. "We'll have to raid the chemistry lab, and sacrifice one of these buildings. Do you think you can get safely back to our dorm room, while I raid the chemistry lab across the way?"

Eduardo nodded, but was hesitant. "You mean that we separate? Is that such a good idea right now?" He watched as two university students took down a zombie. It was a lot of work. He saw the guy take one last blow to the zombie's head. There was blood and brains everywhere.

Solomon nodded. "We have no choice. The campus security and police must be overwhelmed. What else can we do, hide?"

Eduardo nodded. "Okay, you can share your plan with me. But once the sun goes down, we find a safe spot to hide, right?"

Solomon nodded in agreement, then leaned close to share the plan.

NOW THAT LISA HAD SPOKEN to her friend over the phone, she felt much better. And since security was doing absolutely nothing, and there was no sign of police or the military, she could only guess that they were on their own.

She peered at the chest blocking her door. It appeared that the freaky zombies on the other side had gotten bored and gotten more interested in something else.

For now, she was safe. But, she had to consider what to do next. Solomon had told her the plan, but she still had to prepare. She looked around her. She had called this place home for the past two years.

She felt sad. But there was no other way. She could give the guys access to this building. It was a small, old building. Their plan could work, but it wouldn't work on the larger buildings on campus.

"I suggested the cafeteria," she whispered to the object that lay on the ground by the wall. "But they said no, we still need food."

She grabbed a pencil that lay on her bedside table and got up and walked over to the wall where the chest of drawers had been.

She poked at the dead rat on the ground. "I wonder if they're susceptible to zombie bites?" She'd wanted to be a doctor, but had one more year before she applied to medical school.

She went to look for a small plastic bag. If the rat were related to this infection, perhaps she could do something about it. She quickly found a plastic bag, she placed the rat within it. She tied the ends of the bag closed, then dropped the rat on the bed.

Now she had to gather together supplies, as she couldn't stay in her dorm room any longer.

Lisa didn't noticed when the rat opened its eyes. They glowed green.

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