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LISA TOOK A STEP OUTSIDE, realizing too late that there were three zombies there. She turned to go back inside the cafeteria but a zombie blocked the way. She pushed it, then ran.

"Lisa!" yelled out Eduardo. "Come back!"

"No!" she yelled. "I have to get to the bio lab!"

Solomon quickly locked the cafeteria door, then pulled down the blinds.

One zombie banged at the window, while the other two ran after their best friend.

Solomon sat back down at the table. "Now what?"

Eduardo looked around. "There has to be a back exit from here."

Solomon finished his drink and the last chip from the bag. "Okay, let's get out of here."

The two friends walked into the kitchen and to the back. There was an exit door there.

Eduardo pushed against it. The door hinge made a terrible squeal.

"Sshh," said Solomon, looking worriedly behind him. There were louder sounds of banging coming from the front door.

"Hey, if we leave, where are we going to go?" asked Eduardo.

Solomon shrugged. "I guess we can follow Lisa and see if she needs any help."

Then there was the loud sound of glass breaking behind them. They heard crunching sounds.

"Let's go!" said Solomon, making a run for it.

Now that there was no other option, Solomon ran after him. "Wait up!" he called after his friend. As he ran past the counter, he spotted some knives, so he quickly turned and grabbed two, then raced after his friend.

It was much quieter out back, but who knew for how long.

"Look!" cried Eduardo. "So much for your plan. That loud explosion attracted even more zombies to the building."

Solomon looked up in dismay. The old dormitory building was in smoking ruins, but it was surrounded by zombies. Some took steps into the debris. They must have been immune to the smoke and the hot ashes, because they just kept on moving into the center of the building's ruins.

"Quiet," his friend whispered. "We'll go this way and hopefully they won't see us."

"Yah," Solomon responded. "Too many to fight. I don't think we'd make it."

"I hope Lisa made it safely to the bio lab. That was a crazy move on her part. She needs to be more careful," he said smugly.

Solomon took a deep breath. "Let's hope you can say that directly to her."

Then two zombies came racing at them.

"Damn! I left the katana in the cafeteria!" Eduardo looked angrily around himself.

Solomon handed his friend a knife.

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