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LISA ALMOST MADE IT SAFELY to the biology lab building, but she suddenly was pushed from behind. She dropped down to the ground.

"Oof!" she cried, rolling quickly to the side to get the zombie off her. Her backpack was uncomfortable against her back but she wasn't going to get rid of it.

She kicked the zombie in the skull, which quickly burst its contents all over her. She didn't even have time to wonder if infection occurred through the eyes, nose, ears, or mouth, as she was laying on the ground, trying to fight it off.

She struggled, trying to be strong enough to get the zombie off her. She twisted left and right, with her hand at its throat. Nothing seemed to have any effect, as they were immune to pain and suffocation.

She swapped hands, and held the male zombie with her left hand at its throat. She took a bit swing at its skull with her right fist, but to do so, she had to release some of her hold on its throat.

The first blow struck its skull, which was soft. It exploded. But not before it had managed to swoop in and bite her arm.

"Ahhhh!!!" she screamed, as the zombie fell off her body.

Another zombie was hovering near her, so she quickly pulled herself up to a standing position.

She had to get to the bio lab so she could clean her wound and hopefully avoid infection.

The zombie came running at her, but then it detoured at the last minute, with something else capturing its interest.

She ignored it and quickly ran for the building's stairs. Once upstairs, she opened the door, relieved that it wasn't locked.

She ran down the hallway to the main laboratory. She closed and locked the door and flipped on the lights.

"Good thing we still have electricity," she said to herself, relieved.

She grabbed the first aid kit, then cleaned and treated her wound. It was about as small as a cat bite, so she might be all right.

She was about to wrap a bandage around her wound when she had another thought. She dropped the bandage, then searched the drawers of the lab for a lighter and a bunsen burner.

She quickly set it up and lit the bunsen burner. "This is going to hurt," she whispered to herself. But it was the only way she knew that would prevent her from turning into a zombie.

She moved her arm into the flames. At first it felt warm, then it felt good. Then the flames connected with her tissue and caught on fire.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed. She waited a few seconds longer, then moved her arm out of the flame's path.

She patted her arm to put out the tiny flames. Her skin was black and smoking.

"If that doesn't work, then I'm dead." She looked up at the lab. "Time to get to work."

She slung her backpack off her back and pulled out the plastic bag.

"What the?" The rat wag gone, leaving a big huge tear in the plastic.

She sighed. "I guess I can check my blood. Maybe I can do something before I die."

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