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EDUARDO HAD MANAGED to creep around the trees, avoiding any zombies along the way. Once inside the dormitory, it seemed quiet. He quickly went into their room and grabbed what he needed.

Then he walked down into the hall, and entered each of the rooms that had open doors. Most of the students were friendly here, and didn't worry about locking their doors.

He didn't know how much he needed, but he filled up his backpack with supplies.

He looked at his watch. It was almost time to meet up with Solomon at Lisa's dorm. Then he heard a sound coming from the hall. He peeked around the door frame.

"Darn it!" he said a little too loudly. There were three zombies stumbling down the hall and coming his way.

SOLOMON HAD EVERYTHING he needed in the chem lab. That had been a great session they'd had just last week. They'd been talking about how to make Molotov cocktails after it had been in the news.

He glanced at his watch. "Oops!" He was going to be late meeting Eduardo back at Lisa's dorm room. Hopefully by now she had escaped the building.

The trio of them were to meet at Lisa's dorm room in about ten minutes.

But this project had to be ready by then. He quickly filled up the last four bottles, with the string between them.

"I hope this works!" he thought to himself. He also worried that everyone would be able to get out of the dormitory to safety, but his two friends would help with that.

His original plan had been to do it at the biology laboratory, but then Lisa had told him what she'd found in her room. Could the key to the zombie plague lie in a dead rat?

She seemed to think so. And if that were the case, a vaccine could be developed so no more humans could become infected.

So much for adults thinking they were smarter than the students. He had a good laugh. Yes, it would be the students who saved the city of Manila.

He really hoped that the infection was confined to the university. Then he heard a strange sound above him.

Solomon peeked out the window. There was a helicopter above, flying around, probably trying to access the situation.

But there was no time to signal for help. He had his plan. This had to work. No one else was doing anything.

In fact, he didn't want any contact with outside world. He wanted to get his plan in place, and do it! Yes, he was probably the egotistical one in the group. For once he could put that to good use.

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