One Bed

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As they step out of the car Jack and Meg make sure to keep their head bowed down in order to not have people recognize them as it was late at night.

Jack awkwardly followed Meg thinking about how he could fix this in his head.

When they reached Meg's room they both set down Meg's bags which they had been holding.

This was Meg's first time here as well so while Jack stayed still Meg walked around the small hotel. It consisted of one small bed, a chair with a desk, and a small bathroom.

Meg sat down on the bed and gave Jack an exacting look.

"Oh right!" Jack says as he walked fast to the chair.

"YOu were going to tell me and you and that girl..." Meg dragged to help him get started.

"Ok il start but I need you to promise that you'll hear me out and not run out" Jack confirms. Once he gets a nod from Meg he continues on. "Ok so honestly when you were at your job, I was seeing a bunch of posts about you and your costar and everyone was talking about you guys and I don't know what happened. I was so jealous that I walked around town and this girl came up to me at a coffee shop. She seemed really nice and when I told her I was having a problem with our relationship she offered to help me. Turns out the advice was bullshit and she was using me. I want you to know that I never had feelings for her. Oh, and one more thing before when you were texting me about her and I answered you, that wasn't me, she took my phone when I went to the bathroom and the cafe. I was trying to get to you when you blocked me" Jack explained.

it took Meg a minute to understand the story as Jack watched her tentatively.

"OK.." Meg said.

"OK?.." Jack asked.

"yeah it's fine"

"So you'll let me take you on a date?" Jack chanced.



"Jack we weren't having trouble. if you felt that way you should've come to me and not some girl you randomly met on the street. So no I will not go on a date with you" Meg explained. "I love-loved you and you broke me."

Jack tried to keep the tears to himself as she expressed her feelings.

Jack nods and gets up to leave while Meg gets ready for bed.

It is only when Jack reached the door does he realizes his predicament.

Jack slowly turns around "Um...Meg.."

"Yes Jack" she sighs.

"Dont be mad please..." he says.

Meg turns to him and softens when she sees his nervousness.

"Um so I actually don't have my key, things, and I don't think my manager ill answer me" (Go with it, it's for the plot).

Meg nods and knows what she has to do.

"Okay well I guess you can stay here," she says.

she goes to her luggage and pulls out some clothes. Jack notices there his and tries to hide his smile and the realization she had been keeping his clothes.

After getting ready Jack starts to make a makeshift bed on the ground. It's not till Meg walks out of the bathroom that she notices it.

"Uh no get up," she says and she pulls his stuff from him. "Im not letting you sleep on the floor" as she gets into the bed.

Jack also gets in the bed beside her and tries to make her not feel uncomfortable as he keeps his distance.

After a while when Jack thinks that she's asleep, he turned to her and says "I love you Meg only you. I will get you back"

Fangirl ~ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now