1: Carriages

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(3rd of September) It's a Sunday. The day before sixth year begins. All six of us still fit into one carriage, despite being now 16. It differs so much from our younger, smaller, 12-year-old lives. I'm sat in the corner by the door, closest to an escape route. I'm slumped against the back of the seat, directly next to Enzo. He is one of the only friends who I wouldn't mind being trapped in a small space with. Pansy sits opposite me, dangerously close to Theo. She's trying not to make it awkward, he's trying not to blush.

"I hear there is a new kid joining our year", Astoria says, as the previous conversation comes to an end. "Everyone says you know him, Draco."

"They aren't wrong," he replies "we are fairly close, he spends a lot of time at Malfoy Manor, although I only see him in the holidays, since he doesn't go here."

Theo turns round to face Draco. "Wait, I thought he wasn't going to transfer?"

"Didn't know you guys had a little inner circle going." Enzo jokes, a smile forming across his lips. Pansy giggles, moving her arm and making Theo draw in a sharp breath.

"I wasn't aware he was transferring, last week he told me, he decided not too." Draco says.

"Bit late don't you think?" I add.

"He never wanted to come here before, his father has... history with Hogwarts, it always put him off, can't think what would have changed his mind so late."

"Hopefully he's hot," Astoria chuckles to herself, quickly met with multiple eye-rolls and huffs from the rest of us.

I wasn't particularly interested in the conversation, another boy is not what we need. More testosterone and more ego in our group might make my head implode. I can feel the train beginning to slow down and I sit upright so I'm shoulder to shoulder with Enzo. He turns to me and smiles gently. I return a small smile, he is the only friend I'll be nice too without having the urge to shoot myself. People say for a Slytherin, he is nice person, and kindness comes naturally to him. However I know those Slytherin-istic traits are more underlying, and they will appear when he needs them.

The train pulls to a stop and the horn blares, signifying our arrival. Gathering her bags, Pansy restarts the conversation. "What did you say his name was?"

Draco didn't look up from what he was doing, just simply stated, "I didn't." He pauses and I unlatch the carriage door.

"His name is Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle."


I hate watching the first years get sorted. Each year we repeat the same routine, sitting in silence as the hat decides, then clapping when we gain a new Slytherin, or saying nothing if we don't. Basically, it's boring as shit. I begin to get hopeful as the crowd of first years begins to thin out as they take their seats at their respective tables.

Dumbledore rises again. He rambles on and on with his endless speeches, then ends with the usual; "Thankyou, and welcome to Hogwarts, I am sure that your housemates will make you feel welcome, and remember, if ever you need help at Hogwarts, you shall be sure to find it." Me and my friends exchange glances that basically read 'bullshit'. He continues talking. "As I'm sure some of you are aware, we have a new, older student joining us this year." He gestures to his left, beckoning somebody forward. "Mattheo is joining our sixth year students, I'm sure they will welcome him with open arms."

Mattheo appears from the right side of the hall, I wasn't even aware he was stood there, lurking in the shadows. He approaches the hat and turns to face his audience. His hair is brown and curly, falling shortly down either side of his head. I can't see much from far back, but I almost make out a faint white line running down his right cheek.

McGonagall lifts the hat above him slowly. Before even making any contact with his head, it shouts out ; "SLYTHERIN".

Our table begins to clap and he begins to move in our direction. His walk is slightly arrogant, his hands in his trouser pockets. He seems like he is slightly pissed off, or permanently bored, until he gets closer and I see the smirk plastered across his face.

I turn to face Pansy and she is already looking at me. I narrow my eyes at her and she moves hers to the gap on my right side. I immediately smile back and move to my left, widening the space beside me.

"Alright Mattheo?" Draco asks as he stands up and grabs Riddle's hand. They converse quietly, while I have seemed to enter a staring match with Pansy. Until, he straddles the bench in the gap beside me. I turn to look at him and he's already looking at me.

"I'm Mattheo"

"I know."

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