7: Soiled

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(29th of September). Its the end of the week, finally. Sprout is rambling about her holiday, and no one is getting any work done. I feel like I've hear her say the same story about her tragic hotel about 50 times since the beginning of the month and I'm inches away from throwing myself from the astronomy tower. I haven't seen Mattheo much, once again, he is still I his catch up classes, preparing for the tests next week. We exchange glances frequently, sometimes smiles. The other day I saw him blowing kisses at my Cedric.

I can see him easily today. He has moved next to Theo since both of their partners weren't here. Bad decision on Sprout's behalf. My table sits at the front, left of the room, facing inwards. They're table is perpendicular to mine, across the walkway.

"Mr Riddle, Mr Nott, if you both don't settle down now then I'll have no choice to sperate you both permanently and stick you into detention."

They just laughed and lowered their volume until she walked further away.

I am sat next to Potter, who never utters a word to me. I can't decide whether its because he simply hates Slytherins, or I intimidate hum. I'm leaning towards the second option. I'm usually good at upholding my 'dark and mysterious' demeaner, although I know I've been letting it slip recently. However today he is deciding to be bold.

"Why so miserable Evelyn?" He begins.

"Because I'm sat next to you." I reply, not even looking at him.

"Ever think about being nice to someone once in a while?"


"Pathetic." He mutters.

"What was that?" I turn to look at him, intrigued. He says nothing, and turns back to his plant pot.

10 minutes later, I'm bored out of my fucking mind. I've finished planting my seeds ands everyone is deep in their own conversations. My ring on my left hand middle finger is slightly too big, so I sit there spinning it around and around and around. My head is down, staring at the heaps of soil spilled around my pot. It seems like forever before the bell rings and I immediately grab my bag. I could feel his eyes on my as I walked out of the classroom but I didn't bother looking at him.

Classes are finished for the day, so I head straight for the bench.


(05th of October) It's almost the end of term. I'm excited to have another break, this term has been going particularly slowly.

"Are we throwing the usual party next week?" Pansy asks.

"We've gone too long without a common room party, I'm starting to have withdrawals." Draco replies.

"Only cause you drink so fucking much." Theo adds.

I'm not really listening to the conversation, because I can see Cedric up ahead, with his friends. He's watching me, holding my eye contact. I know he wouldn't even dream of saying anything to me while I'm with my friends, so its fine. Mattheo obviously notices the tension because he goes from walking behind me, to walking beside me.

"Shall we invite Ced to the party?"

"Bring him as your plus one." I reply. "I know how in love you guys are."

He laughs, then stays silent as we pass their group. I think he winks at him because Cedric scoffs and moves his eyes away from us.

"Shame." Mattheo begins. "I'm going to have to break his heart soon."

"Awh really why is that?"

"Well I can't be seen with both siblings can I? That would be too much drama for me."

"Better break it off quickly then." I reply. I move my hand up to pull my bag higher on my shoulder, purposefully brushing it against his in the process.

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