10: Share

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When I get outdoors, I immediately remove my heels and head to the grass. I'm glad I brought my jacket with me. Hogwarts is pretty quiet already, the younger years who go home over the breaks usually get the Friday afternoon train, whereas the older years mostly get the Saturday morning one. It's quite dark, and I use my wand to let out a small light for me to follow.

The moon is bright tonight, sending beams down, lighting my path through the bushes. It reflects nicely on the lake, which I use to locate myself, and find the bench. I probably shouldn't be out here when I'm this drunk, I could easily fall into the ivy if not paying full attention. After a few extra minutes of caution, I'm sat at the bench.

Last time I got extortionately wasted, I spent the next afternoon searching for spells or potions that I could use to sober me up. Luckily I found one that works well enough to make me coherent, although it gives me an even larger hangover the next day. I've put extension charms on the pockets of my jacket, giving me space for whatever I need. I reach deep into the pocket, pulling out a vial. The potion tastes fucking disgusting, but it works therefore I cant discredit it. Once I've downed the whole thing, I instantly start to feel more in control. My vision becomes less blurry and my head has stopped pounding. I sit there silently for a bit, waiting for it to take full effect. Before long, I pull a cigarette out of the packet and light it carefully; then lean back, continuing my staring match with the dark. Before I can react, someone takes the cigarette from my mouth.

"These are bad for you, you know." Mattheo says, before putting it in his own mouth and drawing in.

"And your setting a stellar example I suppose?" I reply, turning my head back towards the lake. I don't think he has had much to drink, I feel as if he is more of a drink-alone kind of person.

He laughs lightly as he exhales the smoke. "You shouldn't be copying me."

"It's hard not too, your so engaging." I say sarcastically, even though I know he has been engaging me endlessly for the past six weeks.

He leaves a pause before his next sentence. "Why are you out here?" He then asks, handing it back to me.

"I can only take in so much liveliness in one day, I need to remain my true dark and mysterious self remember?" I reply before drawing another breath on the cigarette. "You?"

"Looking for you," he replies almost instantly, turning to face me.

"Oh, so you are stalking me then."

"What would you say if I said yes?"

I turn my whole body to face him. I smile lightly, then bring the cigarette up to his mouth, letting him take a drag, not moving my fingers away, letting them rest on his lips. He just stares at me while I do so. When he's done I pull it away and take the last drag before throwing it at my feet and stomping it out.

"Well I better get going." I say, standing up to leave.

He doesn't reply, just looks at me. Then I walk away, leaving him sat on my bench.

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