36: Departure

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(16th of December) We are going to the train, well me and Pansy are already here, waiting for the others. Once we are back at the station we will go back to Malfoy manor. I haven't seen the rest of them yet. Pansy told me Mattheo tried to come in last night, but she sent him away because I was sleeping. She also told me that she spoke to her mother about the curses. Dumbledore questioned them all and she told them. I knew they would probably find out. I was mad at first but now I think it might have been for the better. My mother was officially escorted from the premises by the ministry, and now is awaiting a trial.

We see them as they get closer, in the crowds of people who are also going home for Christmas. We move to the side so they can see us, and wait for them to meet us. I already know it's going to be slightly awkward and that is the last thing I want right now. They are now in front of us, and no one has said anything, they all just kind of look at each other.

"God, you lot are fucking miserable." I joke. I think they take the hint and snap out of the sympathetic mood and begin to act like normal. Pansy takes Theo's hand and pulls him towards the train. Enzo holds out his hand to Draco to mimic them, but Draco swats it away. "Don't be a freak Lorenzo."

I laugh, and am about to follow when Mattheo stops me. He pulls me in front of him and holds me there. One hand pushes my hair behind my ear. "How are you?" He asks.

"Better, especially now you are here."

"That was gross." He replies.

I push him away and roll my eyes. He is drawn back like a magnet and picks up my hand.

"Well." I start. We've got a whole 3 weeks together, I wonder what might happen."

We get onto the train and find our usual carriage, Mattheo goes in first, so I can sit by the door like usual. The journey drags on and on and on. We get into the station, and Narcissa is waiting for us all, so we can use a portkey to get back to the Manor. She waits as we get off the train, pulling me aside and letting the others walk ahead.

"I am sorry Evelyn. When Pansy told us that she used an unforgivable curse on you, we had to say something. I know I'm not an innocent woman, and my family has it's share of bad history, but using a curse on a child.." She trails off. "I do hope you find safety and comfort in our home."

I don't really know how to respond, I smile at her and she hugs me. That'll do.


(17th of December) It's Sunday night. Pansy is sat in my room with me now, playing cards. Since Friday, she's been acting cautious around me. I told her to stop asking me if I was okay. This is exactly how she was during the holidays after 4th year, after I ran from my house, from my mother. She took me in after that, permanently. I just want things to go back to normal. I hate the walking on eggshells around me. Somebody knocks at the door, and Pansy shouts for them to come in.

Mattheo pushes open the door and waits before stepping inside. "Can I talk to Evelyn."

Pansy slams down her cards. "Fuck you I win." She stands up and walks towards the door. She stops when she gets to Mattheo, then must give him some funny look because he grimaces at her and pushes her out of the door.

He turns and comes to sit next to me on the bed. He is eyeing up my neck, I can quite clearly see him. "May I?" He says, once he notices me watching him.

I turn my back to him, then pull off my jumper. He runs his fingers over the mark, then stops, pulling his fingers down to another one, on my shoulder blade. I know there is no point giving in now, so I pull off my top, revealing the other 3 on my back. He doesn't say anything, just moves his hand to them individually. Eventually he pulls it away and I throw my top back on. We sit in silence for a minute, then I stand, going to by desk and pulling out a packet of cigarettes. He smiles, and joins me at the window.

I light mine, then hand him the packet.

"I'll share." He says.

I turn my whole body to face him. I smile lightly, then bring the cigarette up to his mouth, letting him take a drag, not moving my fingers away, letting them rest on his lips. He just stares at me while I do so.

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