17: Mimic

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The bell rings to signify the end of period one. I pack up my things and head to my dorm. Hopefully Pansy is there and we can have a nice Hermione bashing session. I pass Cedric in the corridor with his mates. He has two small strips of white tape over his nose, and his left eye is slightly bruised. He looks at me then looks at the floor. Luckily I was right, and Pansy is sat on her bed when I get into the room.

"Actually, I think you'll find, there's too much Motherwort in that?" I say in a high pitched voice as I shut the door behind me.

"How could you be so stupid, mine is obviously correct because I'm the smartest person to exist ever." Pansy joins in, sitting more upright.

"I'm such a fucking know it all, I've never actually been wrong once in my whole life."

"No wonder I only have two friends."

We both burst out laughing and I sit on the end of her bed with her.

"My potion was blue." She says, still laughing.

Once we stop laughing, she begins to switch the conversation over.

"How's Mattheo." She asks.

"How's Theo," I deflect.

She buries her face in her hands. "I'm so fucking stupid Ev. Why has it taken me five years to do something about him?"

"If it wasn't for Ron you guys could have been practically married by now." I say as she look down at her lap trying to hide her smile. "You guys are so cute that's disgusting."

"I feel like a Hufflepuff or something."

"Lets not go that far." I warn her, as Enzo opens the door, then walks over to the bed. I move to my right, leaning against the wall so he can join us.

"Slughorn wants me to let you know that you are in detention all of next week." He says, sitting down.

"Yeah well I knew that was coming." I reply.

Enzo is like one of us. He is happy to sit with us and just talk about anything that crops up. I would call him the mother of our group, but I've done that once before and he wasn't happy. More like an older brother, the sensible one who keeps us all under check.

"Have you lot finished Snape's essay yet?" Pansy asks, sounding worried.

"Mine is absolutely brilliant I tell you, brilliant." Enzo replies.

"I finished mine yesterday." I add.

"I beg someone show me, I'm dying over this one." She moans.

Enzo stands up and heads for the door, going to grab his essay. I also get up and pick mine up from my desk, then place it in front of her. She smiles at me, then gets up to find her notes. Seconds after she is up, a paper bird flies through the window, landing perfectly on my bed. I walk over and gently unfold it. In the middle, is written:


"Pansy I'm going for a walk." I say, picking up my cloak and chucking it over my shoulder.

"Sure yeah yeah." She says dismissively, still searching for he notes.

I shut the door behind me and head for the bench.


"Quite the little display you put on back there?" Mattheo says as I come into sight of the bench. I take a small bow as I get closer. He turns around back to his original position as I walk past and sit down. He is sat on the right side like before, with his back against the armrest and his feet up on the bench. I sit down, mirroring his position. He moves his feet to his left, so his legs are resting against the back of the bench, so mine can go next his at the front. He's already got a cigarette in his hand, and passes it to me once I get comfortable.

"Are you alright?" He finally asks.

"Yeah, I'm all good." I reply, sticking the cigarette in my mouth and turning to look at the lake.

"Look at me."

I turn my head back so I'm looking directly at him.

"Are you alright?" He repeats.

I blow out the smoke in his direction. "Yeah, I'm all good." I repeat.

The stoic expression doesn't really move from him face. He's never usually like this. Normally his face is always plastered with a smirk, or what is about to be one. Now he just looks like he knows I'm lying. I pass him the cigarette and he looks back at the lake once he's taken it. He knows he has killed the mood because it doesn't take long for him to change the subject.

"So, Pansy and Theo.." he begins.

"Oh my fucking god." I sit more upright.

"I'm so glad it isn't just me who sees something happening."

"Oh, it IS happening, she told me, its definitely happening." I reply.

"I thought so." He laughs.

It becomes easy to go from there, we talk for ages again, like we did in the detention. Something has defiantly changed recently, we both recognise now how much we need to be around each other. We don't even realise the time until the bell for third period goes off, meaning we have been hear for almost an hour an half. We both begin to move, he waits for me to swing my legs round, then does the same. He stands up, letting me go first towards the bushes.

"I can't tell if you are being a gentleman or if you are trying to push me into the ivy." I say jokingly.

"You'll have to wait and see." He replies as we continue to tread slowly through the bushes. Suddenly he grabs my shoulder and gives me a small sideways push towards the ivy, but doesn't let go, stopping me from falling.

I gasp. "Asshole." I begin to fake wobble, pretending I'm about to fall as a joke. He grips my shoulder tighter and moves him other hand down to my waist to steady me.

I hear him laughing, and I reach my hand back, and place it on top of his.

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