Coffee & trainers?

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It was a short drive to the coffee shop, moondimes always made good coffee, expensive and mass-produced. He decided he really should support the smaller local shops.

He ordered his coffee and sat down looking into the middle distance whilst sipping his expensive coffee. Something caught his eye. A pair of trainers, white trainers walked past and he caught it in his peripheral vision. Not just any pair of white trainers...they seemed to have the motif on. He tried to look without making it obvious. She appeared to be 5ft 6, with broad shoulders, a pink hoody, black leggings and white trainers. Her calves seemed big, her thighs large, and her broad figure filled out the hoody. She was a brunette. The officer thought she was buff, hench, or whatever the trend saying was these days. Maybe she was a cross fitter or a woman bodybuilder, who knows but she sure had a great physique, well built...those shoulders were stacked trend saying. He felt street-wise at least with his lingo.

Whilst desperately trying not to gawp he tried to get a better look, listening out for a name.

"Latte for Faith," said the Monday staff member.

The young woman, 21-34 in the pink hoody moved forward. Her initial matches the note. Coincidence? Maybe. But this was the best lead he had so far. She left moondimes with her latte. He gulped the last mouthful and got up to see where she went. He walked outside the door and saw her crossing the road. He gave it a few seconds and followed.

They walked down the high street out of town towards the park. Her pace was fast, he felt unfit and heavy as he tried to catch up, she was quicker. She looked over her shoulder and he stopped to look in a shop window. It gave her valuable seconds to increase her lead, there was no doubt she was aware.

He moved from the window and continued to follow she was out of sight now. He turned the corner. Gone she had vanished.

"Shiiiit!" he exclaimed, a bit too loudly. He noticed a moondimes cup on the ground a little further up the road. He walked up to the cup. It was still warm. It has to be Faiths..but where is she? The park entrance was another 1/2 mile down a straight road, he would have seen her and over the road boarded up buildings. For some reason, he looked at the steel railings. They were all perfectly straight until he noticed two bent out of shape, they were like brackets.

His pulse quickened, and he felt excited, was it the thrill of the chase or the fact that Faith had just bent steel railings to escape him? He put his hands on the railings to try and bend them.

"Fucking hell" he muttered to himself, they won't budge. He tried with all his might, but he felt sweat on his forehead and his arms shook & then quickly started to ache. There's no way I can budge these steel the fuck did she do that. She must be really strong. This was his suspect. He started a slow walk back to his car contemplating his near experience with a strongwoman. At least he had a lead. Was she strong enough to move that car?? Surely not.

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