Strike One

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"We don't need a plan; just smash," said Lightning.

"It's more than likely we will smash, but we need a plan," said Storm. At least getting the word "smashed" in it might keep Lightning relaxed, she thought.

"We will stage an incident outside the entrance to his address; it will block him from entering." The information we have from Phil says he should return home around 1800 hrs. "Once we get him, we then secure the house."

"Inferno and Blaze, you'll do the fake incident and secure Anderson." while Lightning and I search the property. "You join us when Anderson is secure."

"What did you have in mind?" asked Blaze.

"Be creative," replied Storm.

It wasn't too long before Inferno and Blaze had hatched a plan. It would be about 15 minutes or so until Anderson returned home. Blaze went up to a wooden electrical pole that lined one side of the road.

She placed her tactical boot with its sole flat on the wooden pole, roughly the same height as her knee. She began to push deliberately and slowly, controlling her muscular leg. Her leg flexed as it delivered unbearable pressure to the thick wooden pole. The utility poles were designed to withstand heavy amounts of stress and tension. But the thick wooden pole couldn't resist the pressure from Blaze. The wood was cracking as it gave way to her strength. Her foot was pushing over the heavy pole, and her thighs' muscles flexed and expanded, as did her calf. It didn't take any effort, and the pole was leaning about 45 degrees. Blaze gave a final push with her powerful leg, and the wooden pole conceded; it was still suspended by the reinforced steel electrical cables. Blaze went over to the suspended pole, grabbing the 40-1000 lb pole and holding it up. She then pulled down suddenly and sharply, which stretched and snapped the reinforcement. The wires snapped apart, with sparks flying as they snapped apart.

"That's the whole town without power," said Inferno.

Blaze threw the large pole into the road, blocking the entrance to his property. They contacted Storm and Lightning to let them know the trap was set. And just in time as well, Anderson's pickup was coming down the road.

"I'm not hiding in the bushes," protested Inferno.

She started to wave her arms, warning Anderson of the danger ahead. He slowed down to a stop.

"Hi, oh my gosh, the electric pole fell into the road." Inferno was overacting slightly.

"How did that happen...?" Are you local? "I don't recognize you...." Anderson was a suspicious man anyway, but since getting involved with Colonel Thomas, he seemed more on edge, like he was expecting the feds or someone else.

"I haven't got time for this," said Inferno, already fed up with her introduction to acting. She grabbed the door of his pickup and ripped it off its hinges, throwing it to the side. Anderson's reactions were surprisingly quick; he revved his truck and spun the wheel forward. His progress was brief, as he stepped on the brakes when he noticed Blaze standing in front of him. He slammed the truck into reverse. He started to move back again, the wheel spinning and again slamming on the brakes; this time it was Inferno standing behind him. He was an arms dealer, not a murderer, so he didn't want to run anyone over. How did she pull his door off? She looked powerful, but still, a car door—how could she rip it off the car so easily?

Blaze took her jacket off, followed by Inferno. The sun's rays caught their glorious muscular physiques, impressive and powerful. Blaze walked up to the front of the truck. Anderson tried his luck; he started moving the truck forward, hoping this would scare the female bodybuilder standing in front of him. Blaze stood there with her hands mid-lat-spread. Her upper body looked huge and she was so powerful and her physique was pure art. Anderson moved forward slowly until his truck jolted as it hit something. It took a few seconds, but Anderson realized that he had hit this muscular woman standing in front of his truck. He revved the truck, trying to intimidate her.

Her quads were right up against the steel bull bar. Blaze stepped back and grabbed the bull bar, the steel seemingly melting in her powerful grip. Her biceps and forearms tensed as she ripped the whole bull bar from the front of the truck, bringing a lot of the front grill with it! Anderson seemed more agitated now. He continued to rev the truck and let the clutch go. Part scared and part angry, his truck wheel spun and drove into Blaze. There was a crunching of steel as the front of the vehicle crumpled around her quads. The wheels were still spinning, still trying to move the truck forward.

There was an immovable object in the form of a muscular female. Blaze couldn't resist and did her favourite pose, a double bicep flex, while Anderson was looking directly at her, and his truck was prevented from moving by her powerful physique. Meanwhile, Inferno had gone up to the back of the truck and started to push. The truck was now stuck between the two muscled super soldiers and being slowly crushed.
Anderson had no idea why his truck couldn't push them out of the way. How could a woman bodybuilder stop his truck? The truck chassis was groaning as it began to be compacted. Steel and metal bending

Anderson was starting to get worried. Blaze was still at the front of the vehicle, while Inferno was pushing against the rear of the truck. The steel chassis and body were slowly being crushed. Blaze resumed her pose, putting her hands on the front of the truck. She stepped back and started to kick at the front of the truck. Her powerful kicks were destroying the front of the vehicle, chipping away like a lumberjack. There wasn't much left of the front of the vehicle; the chassis and axle had been pulled off, and the engine had kicked apart and been destroyed. The front of the car resembled a vehicle in a salvage yard. Inferno was still at the rear of the truck; she was causing similar damage to the rear of the vehicle.

The truck had been crushed and crumpled into a compact about a third of its original size. All that was recognizable now were the seats; the front and rear of the vehicle had been dramatically condensed and crushed.

Inferno walked around to the side of the car where Anderson was sitting. She was carrying the rear tailgate, and Anderson looked over. Inferno flashed a smile as she folded the tailgate again and again on itself until it was the size of a briefcase. Anderson couldn't believe what he was witnessing. A female bodybuilder is stronger and more real than Superman.

"Look at this," she instructed Anderson, showing him the folded-up tailgate.

Anderson moved in for a closer look. Inferno rammed his head into the now folded and concise truck tailgate. He was out for the count!

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