One thing leads to another!

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With Anderson unconscious and secured, Storm and Lightning could now check the property. Phil had been briefed and was ready to check anything else, document-wise, they may find.

Inferno and Blaze dragged the wreck of the pickup truck exactly where they needed it to be. The large, heavy wooden pole was lifted and then placed on the pickup. Phil had managed to get them some police road closure signs, so it looked like the authorities were aware and dealing.

Storm & Lightning started to drive down the track leading to the property. They knew from the research Phil had done that there was a large barn, two smaller workshops, and a 5-bedroom farmhouse. He did have a wife, but she was currently overseas.

They pulled up outside the property. Storm would search the house, and Lightning would start in the barn. Inferno and Blaze would bring Anderson with them and assist on arrival.

Phil had provided the team with intel that Anderson normally sets traps on doors and windows as most law enforcement teams enter that way. Storm went up to the side wall of the brick building. She looked to see if it was a load-bearing wall, but it wasn't.

Storm went up to the wall, placing her hands flat against the wall. She increased the span of her arms slightly and started to push. Cracks were appearing, and rubble started to fall from around where she was pushing. Bricks and mortar would offer no resistance to her strength. The bricks started to crumble and displace as her powerful arms pushed against the wall; her kicks were also displacing the lower-level brickwork. Storm then pushed her physique through the wall, her powerful, broad shoulders creating a new doorway as she continued to push her way through, bricks bouncing off her muscular physique. Storm was inside; it took her less than 10 seconds to push her way through a house wall!

"We have no idea what we are looking for." Search everything. "Anything you think is useful—we can use Phil or Clive," instructed Storm as she brushed off the brick dust.

Lightning and Storm began the search for any incriminating evidence. Inferno and Blaze started in the large barn.

Blaze walked up to the large barn doors, grabbed the handles, about to force them open, when Inferno reminded her about Phil's intel and possible traps at the main entrances. They walked around the side of the barn. She bent down, grabbing the lower part of the reinforced steel sheeting. Her strong hands gripped the steel, and she started to peel the panel away from its fixings. The extra-strength securing bolts were coming out of the steel like bullets as the reinforced steel panel folded upwards and then ripped off. Blaze and Inferno entered the barn, also unaware of what they were looking for.

Lightning and Storm had found nothing in the house, so they moved on to the two smaller workshops.

Inferno and Blaze weren't having much luck either.

"This reminds me of when I was growing up when we used to live in the country." After I finished gymnastics, I got into weightlifting and then bodybuilding. "I used to work out in the barn," explained Blaze.

Inferno was searching while listening to Blaze and her beginnings.

"I could only afford to go to the gym now and then," she explained.

"I used to love challenging myself in my father's barn." It started with subtle challenges like lifting his workbench at one end, where the vice was. "As I got stronger, I tried more daring things."

"Like what?" asked Inferno.

"Well, I always used to see if I was strong enough to lift my father's trailer, then I moved on to his quad bike—I used to deadlift that all the time." "I felt so strong."

"How old were you then?" enquired Inferno

"I was 21. Not bad deadlifting a quad bike." I remember I always wanted to lift his tractor.

"Not bad... and did you?" Inferno wanted to know.

"Well, I had been to the gym on that occasion, outlifting most of the guys. When I got home, I went to the barn. I was determined to lift the tractor, even if it was an inch off the ground. I went up to the front and faced it. "I grabbed the front and lifted," said Blaze.

"Well, did you?" asked Inferno.

"Oh hell yeah! I lifted the front of that bad boy to my shins. Both the front wheels were dangling. My muscles felt like they were going to explode. I was so proud of myself. "Now look at me. At us. I can pick up the whole tractor now or rip it apart with my bare hands," mentioned Blaze.

"Go on then, for old time's sake," encouraged Inferno.

Blaze went to the front of the tractor; she placed one hand underneath the tractor and lifted it. The wheels easily rose to her waist, then her shoulders. Blaze then grabbed the tractor with her other hand and lifted the whole tractor off the ground; it creaked and groaned.

"Oh my gosh."

"Yeah, cool, isn't it?" exclaimed Blaze.

"Not you lifting the bloody tractor. That!" shouted Inferno, furiously pointing.

Blaze was effortlessly holding the tractor in the air and looked like Inferno was pointing at a steel trap door that had been partially covered by the tractor. Blaze put the tractor down.

"Storm, Lightning... Come over to the main barn. "I think we've found it," said Inferno over the comms.

Storms and lightning joined them in the barn.

"Okay, so he's likely to have set a trap on this door; I'm calling Phil," said Storm.

Phil answered his secure phone.

"Phil, we need you to look into the deeds and planning permissions." Can you see if there is anything about a cellar under the main barn? Thanks"

Storm finished the call. The team was together; they were all smart women as well as being amazingly strong.

"This one is going to be a little harder to get into." We're not invulnerable, so we still need to take care. A blast could still cause us injuries! We will wait for Phil to see what he can find out. "In the meantime, we will start looking around to see if there are any ventilation shafts or other clues," detailed Storm.

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