In a Jiffy

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Two jiffy bags were on his desk when he returned to the station. One was from the tech team, it was the footage from the car moving incident. He decided he would take it to the guy with take it to the computer with the messy garden, he should be able to help with his computer software. The other bag was personally addressed to him, handwritten. Very strange. He opened the Jiffy bag slowly tipping it so the contents poured out. Out came a pink hand grip, the type you use to increase your grip strength and a pair of pink sweatbands. There was also a note, it read:

"Please don't hunt I mean no harm, I just have fun with my strong arm (s) I pay for everything and replace, let us go without a chase"

It was signed Faith x x x

"You working out now" chuckled his colleague.

"I thought the only working out you did was with doughnuts,....after all, you are a 100% cop" laughing at his joke.

Deep in thought he picked up the hand grip and started repetitions whilst smiling to himself. With his other hand, he held the note, looking at what Faith had written and her amusing verse. There was even a little barbell doodle next to her name, nice touch!

Eureka he thought!

There's more than one of them. The note said us...but how many?? More than one that must be how the car was moved-there must be a team of them.

He fired up his computer and started to research how many gyms were in the area. One of his old patrol buddies walked in. They shared old stories, asking polite questions about each other's families then the patrol officer added something.

"Hey, didn't Cheaves Road used to be in your old patch"

"Still is, I haven't got my detective badge just yet, a few more months to go" he replied. "Why's that?"

"I'm on my way to a shout, You won't come?"

"No, I'm ok"

"Thought you might be interested, some woman went mad and ripped off a garage door...I reckon she's on...."

"Wait! A woman ripped off what?"

"A garage door "

"Are they still on scene? Let's get going..."

They got in the patrol car, and hit the roof I need to get there quick"

The sirens started, lights flashing as they roared out from the yard.

Normally it was a 15-minute drive to the address, but they made it in 6 minutes flat. His buddy always was one of the best drivers.

He got out of the car quickly and shouted to the other officer.

"Suspect on the scene?"

"All clear"

Damn, he was sure that the suspect was on the scene. And his hunch was maybe it was Faith and was still on scene. He took a look at the garage door as he walked up the driveway. It looked like a car had hit it, the door was hanging off!

The garage door had been peeled back from the right-hand corner. It had been bent from the lower right-hand corner upwards to the mid-centre. It looks from the force used that the other side had been forced off its metal hinges.

"Wait until you see inside," said the first officer on scene.

He made his way into the garage. There was a filing cabinet with 3 drawers, The lock was intact but no need for the key as all of them had the front of the drawers bent and mangled, and the fronts twisted down. On the top of the filing cabinet were a set of scales, rolls of cash and drugs. It was a good stash, someone had done the cop's job for them and done it well. The stash looks like it has a huge street value, unofficially the vigilante did a great job.

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