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The plan was to stalk moondimes and see if Faith came back, a lousy plan but that's all he could do. He had no idea where they would strike next, or who any of the others were. He couldn't stop thinking about the footage he had seen where she ripped a garage door off its fixings, and what she had done to the filing cabinet. Thanks to the findings they had arrested 3! for dealing drugs.

So what were they? Some kind of vigilante team? A rival gang....thinking about it, is hardly likely to have gang connections as they returned the cycle with a lock & service. How did they know I was assigned to the case??? Inside job? Are they cops?? To be honest he didn't know of any women bodybuilders-cops or otherwise. He still couldn't stop being amazed by the strength.

So it began. Long days and some long nights of staking out moondimes. No new incidents had come in. Had they stopped because the heat was on?

He couldn't stop yawning. I need a coffee. He got out of his car to go and order. After one overpriced latte, he decided it was time to call it a night.

He got into his car and put it in reverse, The car started to move but it felt like the handbrake was on and the car stalled. Must be more tired than I thought. He started it up again and again it wouldn't move. He looked in his mirror, two figures were standing right at the rear of the car. He couldn't go forward as there was a wall. He tried once more, pushing down the accelerator a little more this time. The engine was revving and this time his wheels spun, screaming against the tarmac. But the car wouldn't move. It stalled again. There was a knock on his window, he went to open his door but the door felt like it was welded shut, it wouldn't open. He could just make out in the wing mirror a leg right against his door. Not just any leg though, this leg even in the shadows you could see was muscular-it was Faith!

His heart rate quickened, he didn't know what to say.

"Did you just stop my car?"

"We did," said Faith

In a mixture of fright, surprise, and the unknown he reached across to his passenger door, grabbing the handle, the passenger door opened, it got about a quarter of the way and was then met with resistance. Something was pushing the door back even though he was trying with all his strength, the door closed. His arm hurt, and he looked up.

Although her face was covered he could see her hair, It was the blonde-haired woman from the garage break. She too had pushed the door shut easily outmuscling the officer, she was so much stronger without using much effort. There was a sound of buckling steel as the blonde-haired woman was pushing her strong thigh into the weak steel of the car door, she placed her hands on the roof and started to push down. The glass in the windscreen cracked and the door glass shattered. There was a creaking and scream of steel, the roof started to collapse, her powerful arms were forcing the steel and crushing the roof of the car. It was like a car compactor, he looked and saw the roof being pushed down by this super strong female bodybuilder, as she reached to apply more strength and push down her red t-shirt slightly up showing off her abs. The steel was still being crushed and rapidly reducing the headroom on the passenger side... There was a whistle from Faith.

"What the hell is going on, my car you've crushed my car!"

"That's just a little show for you, she could have crushed your car completely" Faith spoke in a firm but friendly voice.

"Look we've got some things to do. I like you. We all think you are cute. But you cannot get in our way" explained Faith

"Are you threatening a police officer"

There was another sound of crushing as the blonde woman this time pushed in with her powerful leg. The door started to buckle and again the sound of steel being crushed.

"Okay okay, can you stop? I need this car!"
The crushing stopped.

"That depends on you," said Faith.

"My organisation needs an investigator"

"But I'm not a detective...yet"

Faith explained, "We know all about you, we won't ask many more times. Choose your questions wisely"

The blonde bodybuilder moved from the crushed side of the car and went to the front. It appeared that she put her foot on the top of the tyre as her knee was above the bodywork. He looked at her as for a few seconds it seemed she was exerting strength but nothing happened. Then there was this large tyre bursting sound and the front end sunk slightly. She had just burst the tyre by pushing down with her strong leg.

"How did she??? With her foot???, that's impossible! the pressure she'd have to apply!?"

"I not going to be a criminal" he shouted desperately.

"We're government"

It seemed the blonde-haired lady was losing her patience or offended by him calling them criminals, she walked back to the crushed passenger side. She crouched down her head level with the door. She released a low concentrated noise as the side of the car started to rise, she had a determined look on her face. The car was at a 45-degree angle.

"Holy shit, she's lifting the car"

"Yes she is, and at this rate, you're not going to have a car left. I think if you piss her off too much more she's going flip it and then crush it into a compact. Maybe you'll still be inside" said Faith

"They'll be witnesses"

"Don't you think that's already been sorted? The place is deserted, with no staff, and no customers. Just we three. You are wasting my time and yours."

The car angle was getting steeper.

"I think she's going to flip your car, I hope you have insurance!"

"Not for car-crushing female bodybuilders"

Faith laughed and then nodded to her colleague and the blonde muscle woman stepped back, dropping the car. He bounced all over the front interior as the car hit the ground hard.

"How strong is she, are you.....?"

"Off the chart," said Faith

"OK ok enough. Let me get out, let's talk" he said

He tried to open the car door but it was still jammed.

"Allow me," said Faith

The was a screech of steel as the door was pulled open.

"Maybe I pushed a little harder than I thought, sorry about your door....and your car. You'll get it replaced by us if you join"

"Join what exactly" he questioned

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