24 hours

65 4 2

"Phil, what the fuck happened to your car?"

"Yep...you wouldn't believe it. Some delivery truck dropped a big A/C unit on it," explained Phil.

"Fuck....judging by the damage it must have been a  heavy unit."

"Yeah, it was pretty heavy, a strong unit!" Said Phil examining the damage.

"What happened to your rim?"

The steel rim on Phil's rim also got slightly misshaped when Lightning burst his tyre, her foot crushed part of the rim.

"Yeah, I hit the kerb. Pretty hard!" Said Phil "Drives like shit"

Phil made his way into the office. All he could think about was seeing his car crushed by a super soldier and finally meeting Faith...Storm! He couldn't work on his other outstanding cases, Phil was too distracted thinking about the offer. Should he work with the super soldiers? What should he do...?

He started to Google more about the failed coup. The report explained how an elite special forces team and Colonel Thomas had gone rogue. Then another unit saved the day. Phil knew that was the super soldiers. The article didn't mention how a small country's military had been destroyed. If only the secret was out that this was by four women. 

He remembered what he joined the service for. He wanted to right wrongs, and what Colonel Thomas had done was pure greed, how he lied and how he duped the super soldier's team. They were on the side of good.

That's it. He decided that he would meet Storm & Lightning again. He stood up at the window and looked out at his car and the crushed roof. He smiled to himself. Fuck is she strong he thought to himself. The rest day he kept clock watching.

The time came and Phil left the office. He noticed the imprint of Storm's thigh on his car door, Wow these women are real superwomen, they are the real deal. He liked Storm.

In his barely surviving car, he drove to moondimes. Due to that rim, the drive was the most uncomfortable real bone shaker. He pulled into the car park. There were out-of-service signs up, no doubt the work of the super soldiers. Create a sterile area, and control the situation. He pulled into the same spot where his car was nearly flattened by two strong women and waited for their arrival.

He scrolled on his phone and watched videos, listened to some comedy on the radio and kept checking his watch. They were late. He was worried. He laughed and questioned why he was worried women were unstoppable and so strong. Then he remembered the conversation about Colonel Thomas making a rival serum Maybe he had done this already and.....there was a loud blast from a car horn. Phil got out of his car.

It was Storm and Lightning.

"I knew you'd say yes, here...catch"Storm threw some keys towards Phil.

"What are these?" Asked Phil

"Your new car," said Storm

"You want to arm wrestle for the keys? I'll let you use your car" joked Although there was always an element of seriousness & she was mischievous. She'd love to arm wrestle a car, pretending that it had a chance!

"Wow, so you guys are serious," asked Phil

"We don't fuck about Phil!" Said Lightning

"So what's next?" asked Phil

"We feed you...you investigate...you report back. We will provide you with a secure phone. You can contact us any time. If you get found out we will destroy the phone remotely so it will wipe any evidence. They'll never be able to get anything from it, even if it's connected to their gear it will suck the data back-clever little gizmo. So you'll be safe."

"Okay I'm in" Phil smiled, he joked..."Do I get a name as well?"

"How about compact Phil or Phil the squeeze" laughed Lightning.

She gave his crushed car a playful tap. Lightning's playful tap managed to collapse the central pillar of the car.

"We want Colonel Thomas. We're not going to stop. If we get involved in anything we will give you the heads-up that might improve your case rate. It's a win-win"

"But don't you think this Colonel Thomas is way way under the radar? How is local enquiries going to have any bearing on his capture?" Asked Phil.

"Ultimately it's his connections, the criminality, the mercenaries. They remain connected to him and the locals. He will never save them if he's falling. So that's where we will start at the bottom, and work our way up until we get Thomas!" announced Storm.

There was an almighty screeching of metal, steel plastic and glass shattering.  Storm & Phil turned around...

"I've always wanted to do this since I saw it in a cartoon" shouted Lightning above the noise of the car being further crushed.

Lightning was at the back of the car. She had deadlifted the rear of the car off the ground, leaving the wheels dangling, completely useless. She started to walk into the wall as the front of the car got to the wall, she continued to push. Her muscular arms gripped the steel bodywork-her hands going through the flimsy panels. She continued to walk forward pushing with her powerful legs. Her muscular physique was pressing and crushing the steel panels as she continued to walk. The front of front end of the car started to collapse against the wall reducing in size as the irrepressible force of Lightning continued to crush the car. The engine becomes a pile of mangled scrap.

Phil couldn't believe what he was seeing. This was a standard 5* safety-rated car being crushed in half by a super strong bodybuilder, it was amazing to see so close. Each car panel folded & creased as it gave in to her strength, the glass shattering and the plastics popping, splitting and breaking!

The noise stopped. The large family car was now a 1/3 of its original size.

"Ta dahhh....you now have a mini" Lightning laughed.

"Well, I guess it will be easier to get rid of now!" Said Phil

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