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Akito felt like he could scream. He just turned down a potential date with his crush... But, when he saw the look on Toya's face... He couldn't help but stand by his decision. "...Oh, I see how it is." Akito's crush loosens her grip on Akito's hands leaving a red mark on his pale skin. Akito was too wrapped up in the situation to notice the pain. He began to freak out internally. His precious hands..! He needed those to sew, to bake, and most importantly, play his instruments.

"Toya... Tell me." Akito's crush stepped past Akito and stood before Toya. Akito's eyes widened as she trickled her fingers down Toya's arm. "How are things going? Do you still believe that crazy lie you told people..?" She smiled. Akito felt incredibly uneasy. Why was she touching him like that..? He felt his heart squeeze at every moment his crush pressed her finger against Toya's arm. She arrived at the end of Toya's forearm and began circling her finger around it. Pressing down slightly as she smiled.

"It was around here, wasn't it?" She said. If Akito didn't know better, he'd say that her tone almost seemed that of one who intended to mock. Akito hated to see this. He wasn't sure why, but seeing this woman touch Toya like that... Who was clearly uncomfortable... "H-Hey..." Akito muttered, his heart aching. Akito's body acted without thinking, his hand grabbing his crush's wrist and pushing it high into the air. Akito's crush's eyes widened.

"That's enough." Akito said sternly, his eyes glaring down emptily at his crush's. Akito realized his actions and quickly let go of her arm. His crush was too stunned to speak. "Well... I guess I'll talk to you later... Come on Toya." Akito said pathetically, feeling horrible about what he just did. Though, he felt an urge to get Toya out of there. Akito grabbed his wrist and began to run out of the classroom dragging Toya with him. A loud thud could be heard as the two left the room.

As the two left the school premises Toya placed his hand on Akito's shoulder. "...Akito, your hands... Are they alright? They're red." Toya said softly, speaking for the first time since the incident with Akito's crush. Akito found his eyes glancing at Toya's arm his crush had touched.  Akito frowned. "I'd rather them be red then to have to sit through another second of her touching yo-" Akito cut himself off.

Toya blushed a bit. Shit. Akito thought as he went silent. He couldn't just laugh it off because he knew he meant his words... Akito hesitantly looked up at Toya's face. His pupils shrunk in surprise. Toya looked so... Happy he could cry..? He had the biggest smile on his face, yet his eyes seemed as if they were holding back tears.

"Thank you, Akito." Toya said through his smile. As Toya's soft voice made its way through Akito's eardrums, Akito felt something strange. His heart began to race, yet he felt calm. Akito's eyes softened and he looked to the ground. "It's nothin'... You would have done the same for me." Akito said. His cheeks were a slight shade of pink.

Akito's blush intensified as Toya threw his arms around Akito. Akito was shocked. "I'm sorry... I was just..." Toya said softly, but before he could let go Akito returned the hug. Akito realized that Toya was so happy that he couldn't help himself. "It's alright... I'll let it slide for now." Akito sighed, just grateful that his head was on Toya's shoulder.

Therefore, Toya couldn't see how embarrassed he was. His face was a deep shade of pink. Akito tried to hold on tighter to Toya in a moment of comfort, but he found himself slightly wincing. The pain of his hands sent shivers down his body as he realized that they most indefinitely were going to bruise.

"Akito..? Are you alright, you flinched just now." Toya said softly backing away from the embrace to look Akito in the eyes. Akito nodded putting his head back on Toya's shoulder. He couldn't explain it, but he felt greedy. As if he wanted more. "I'm alright, don't worry..." Akito said softly before pulling away again.

Why did Akito's heart beat so fast? Toya was just his friend who needed some comfort... Akito thought as he remembered Toya's confession. Yeah, he's just a friend. Akito thought again, pushing this strange feeling down. Besides, Akito likes his crush...  "Well... We still have to meet up with those girls, don't we?" Toya said softly, his blush contradicted his calm tone.

"Ah, shit... You're right." Akito gasped, realizing that the two were late. He knew he'd be chewed up by An for this... "Come on we've got to get going!" Akito yelled as he began running. Toya kept up with him, but he struggled. Akito noticed his form was a little off, he pro wasn't much of a runner. Akito chuckled to himself.

Akito would've given Toya advice on how to run better, but the two had to get to Ken's Cafe fast. He wouldn't have time to do so. Akito guessed it'd have to wait til later. Akito, whilst looking back at Toya's running, he failed to pay attention to his own. His foot got caught up in a crevice in the middle of the usually smooth concrete.

Akito felt his body fall backwards, he shut his eyes tight as he braced himself to hit the ground. However, Toya swooped in and held Akito up by his waist from behind. Akito looked up from below Toya's chin. Toya was out of breath, and sweat poured down his beautiful face. Akito blinked in confusion.

Toya had a relatively built body, not too muscular or anything... But it was impressive for a high school student. Akito didn't expect him to be this worn out from a run. They did go quite the distance... Akito's eyes widened, realizing as Toya blushed that he was still leaning against him. "Ah, sorry about that..." Akito said.

Toya shook his head. "It really is no issue... I'm just glad you didn't get hurt. You should be more careful." Toya sighed playfully, but still slightly serious. Akito laughed. "Yeah, that was my bad... Thanks for catching me." Akito smiled before walking toward the cafe. "We got here faster than I thought we would... Let me treat you today." Akito smiled.

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