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After getting fed by Toya and dealing with An's teasing as well as watching Toya and Kohane's growing friendship, Akito returned home. He entered his house to find his father waiting for him. What a surprise, he never cared enough to do that before. "Akito, I'm sure you've already heard, but we're going on a trip to the amusement park. We'll be staying at a hotel for 3 days. I expect you to be packed and ready by the morning." Akito's father said elegantly.

Akito nodded. He wasn't sure how in the hell he was meant to pack with his hands the way they were, but his father didn't seem to care. He definitely noticed them, but looked the other way. "Thank you, I can't wait." Akito smiled, putting up a façade. Deep down, his father likely knew that Akito was a liar. "That's good to hear." His father said plainly before walking away. Akito huffed as his father walked away. His sister was likely in her room crying.

Akito hated this. He just spent money on doing something he actually enjoyed with his friends, but now... He couldn't help but regret saying he'd treat Toya. Though, Toya definitely deserved it... Akito knew he'd be stuck paying for most of the trip despite is father's wealth. Akito called his work, he hated not telling them sooner but he only just know found out. He got the days off he needed, thankfully his boss was a nice one. Akito always worked hard, so he'd let it slide for him.

He then medical took tape. He decided to brace his hands. He struggled to put it on, and ultimately ended up using his teeth to keep it steady as he moved his wrist in a circular motion in order to get it wrapped around his hands. He had to redo it multiple times as the medical tape often fell from his mouth and began to roll on the ground. It was also very painful, his hands hurt at every tight lacing. After he finished bracing both of his hands with tape, he already felt worn out.

However, he still had a job to do. He needed to pack all of his things before going to bed. He sighed as he struggled to pack his bags. Finding and putting the things was the easy part, though it was tiring. The hardest part was zipping the bags. Akito knew that his father nor is sister would do it for him. He ended up having to use his teeth to zip the bags, and he scraped his cheek on the zipper. It didn't leave a mark or anything, it just got a little red and stung a bit.

Akito sighed as he felt his body hit his bed like a rag doll. Did he even have enough money to pay for the trip? Ugh, right when he was finally able to start saving money... He'd have to spend it all. Whie he didn't mind buying something nice for his family, he always ended up the one with this responsibility. He didn't plan for this trip, and he knew that it was going to take everything in him to pretend like he's enjoying it. His family never seemed to care about the financial burden they put on Akito...

It was frustrating because Akito's father could easily pay for something like this. Yet he placed it on Akito's shoulders that were already tired. So tired. That wasn't even the worst of it, as he was used to this... The worst part to Akito, curiously was the fact that he'd be apart from Toya. Toya asked to join, but Akito knew that he'd feel guilty after realizing it was in fact Akito paying for everything and try to pay for stuff himself... He wasn't sure why this mattered so much to him, it wasn't like Toya was going anywhere, right..?

Akito had always been by Toya's side for the past couple of months. They had become best friends, and they had grown to trust each other. Well, Toya already trusted Akito. Akito had to grow to trust Toya as he got to know him. Akito was stubborn, after all. That brought Akito back to when Toya confessed to him. He said it with a slight smile and his eyes looked directly into Akito's. Akito could never forget it. Though, at the time...

Akito didn't know Toya, in fact he disliked him a bit. Only being friends with him to impress his crush. Toya knew this. But, even after Akito rejected his confession Toya still offered to be his friend. Akito felt a blush on his cheeks as he recalled the memory. Did Toya mean it..? And if he did does he still mean it now..? Wait. Why should Akito care? He buried his head into his pillow.  No, that wasn't what frustrated him.

For some reason, Akito was mad at his response to Toya's confession. Someone so perfect told him something so lovely and Akito rejected it... Why? Toya was just Akito's friend... And Akito liked... His crush. Akito physically frowned. That reminded Akito of Ken's words. "When you first came back here, I have never seen you happier than what you were when you were talking to that boy. And, even now... You look so miserable being apart from him."

This flashback was enough. Though Akito wanted to stubbornly deny it... He knew he didn't really like his "crush" the way he liked Toya. He felt stupid for thinking that a guy couldn't fall in love with another guy... God, why did he think that? But, what was Akito to do now? His heart raced and his face was a bright red. How was he supposed to accept these strange feelings he was having..? He thought he knew what love was when he met his "crush."

However, now that he was around Toya... "I think I actually get it now..." Akito whispered through his pillow. "I love Toya." He said as he closed his eyes. Though, he couldn't sleep. His mind worried if anyone overheard him. What would his father say..? Well, it's not like he'd care. Akito was restless as the night faded into the blue morning skies.

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