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Akito's Perspective:

Akito's recovery had been going well... Is what the doctors were telling him anyway. He wasn't used to doing so little, staying in bed all day. It made him feel icky inside. The doctors told Akito not to move much, as to give his wounds time. His back and leg had yet to heal, one wrong move and he could reopen his wounds. Tomorrow was the day he was meant to get his stitches removed. This would mean he could start on rehabilitation and getting around to moving his body.

Toya never left his side, only occasionally leaving to get him and Akito food, shower, or use the restroom. His showers were quick and he was typically back in five minutes. Die to the sensitivity of Akito's case Toya was permitted to stay after the usual visitation period. Akito found this amusing, as if Toya had assumed the role of his personal nurse. He wanted so badly just hug and cuddle with Toya, but his injuries were too severe to be moving around like that. If Akito were honest, he was just trying his best to not think about that night. He hated it though, his first night dating Toya would always be soiled by tragic memories of being assaulted.

He could tell Toya hated it too. Toya seemed to have this unease when people they weren't familiar with would enter the room. And there'd be interviewers and shit, they were so annoying. Toya would chase them away quickly with his kind words and good looks, they'd follow him like mindless sheep. He'd always be back by Akito's side the second they left the hospital though. Akito felt warm by Toya's side, though he could tell it was hard for Toya. The slightest noise had triggered him, and Toya often had nightmares.

Toya kept it all to himself, though Akito could tell. He is his boyfriend after all. They made it official. However, Akito didn't really know what to say, if he were to talk about it he'd get bad memories again. He also noticed how Toya was sleeping every night, his head bent over by Akito's torso. Akito wondered if that ever  got uncomfortable. "Hey, Toya... You can go home you know." Akito said softly, the night had just begun and he was beginning to grow concerned for Toya's wellbeing.

Toya shook his head. "No... I don't want to leave you." Toya replied bending down in that oh so uncomfortable position yet again. Akito placed a hand on Toya's head, playing with his two-toned hair. It was one of the only intimate things Akito could really do in these trying times "I get that... But, I'm worried, it can't be comfortable to sleep like that." Akito replied concerned. Toya smiled softly reaching his arm over to gently cup Akito's cheek and resting his hand on the other.

"I don't mind it. Just to be by your side is enough." Toya smiled. Akito felt a warm blush touch his cheeks as Toya feel asleep on him. Why does this guy have to be so damn cunning..? Akito sighed, accepting Toya's presence. It wasn't like he wanted him to leave, after all. And this was a rare time when Toya was stubborn. Toya was usually quick to bite the bullet and step down. Akito could tell that something went on in Toya's past that caused him to step down without conflict.

So, of course when Toya still stood by his decision... Akito had to support it, even if it worried him. Akito knew that Toya was not thinking about himself, but who was Akito to tell him what was best for him? If Toya wanted to do this for him, Akito would accept it with open arms. As, it is what Toya wanted to do. Akito fiddled around with Toya's hair a little more, humming a small melody before falling asleep. He couldn't wait to be able to cuddle his beautiful boyfriend.

The next morning came, and Akito was awoke by a gentle poke on his arm. Akito was a light sleeper, as previously stated. It didn't take much to wake him up. "The doctors are here to remove your stitches." Toya said, his voice groggy. He must've just gotten up himself. Akito yawned. "Ugh, finally! I can't stand to... Sit?...Here anymore." Akito sighed, his eyes half lidded. "Are you sure you're ready? I guess we could do it right now but..." The doctor seemed to be taken aback. "Just get it over with." Akito remarked.

The doctor shrugged, he already had all of the equipment he needed. It made it easier for the doctors to just get it over with, and Akito had already been through enough pain over the past few days, what's a little more for the sake of freedom? Toya watched intensively. It kind of freaked Akito out a little, just a little. Akito held Toya's hand tightly as the doctors removed the stitches in his leg first. This was the first time Akito could really get a good look at it. It was swollen and purple, sweaty from the cast. "Yikes." He cringed.

The doctor worked to remove Akito's stitches. Akito was expecting it to hurt a lot, but... It barely affected him, covered up by the immense pain of his actual injuries. At most it made him slightly uncomfortable. It was like taking a fork and bending over two of the teeth, leaving one and poking oneself with it. It was just a cold sensation. A prick of a needle if you will. Toya seemed to be horrified at the sight of Akito's swollen leg. Akito slightly chuckled, it seemed he was more worried about them Akito was himself.

"Akito..! It's p-purple... And big... Is that normal?" Toya asked, his voice shaking. The doctor chuckled slightly, pulling out the last stitch on Akito's leg. "Yeah, I guess you never broke a bone before, huh? Well, I'll admit I've never seen something like this before in person. Breaking your bone in three different places is quite the feat..." The doctor sighed. "Three!? Akito this is bad!" Toya frowned. Akito couldn't hold back his laughter as Toya tightened his fingers around Akito's hand.

"It's going to be alright Toya, these doctors know what they're doing." Akito chuckled. The doctor nodded. Toya sighed shakily. "I know it'll be painful, but could you try to turn around? I need to get to your back." The doctor said closing the cast back around Akito's leg. Akito grunted as he struggled to flip himself around. Toya watched nervously. The sight made Akito feel better. Toya was a mess over him, Akito found it to be adorable. The doctor swiftly took the stitches out of Akito's back without any issues before flipping Akito back around.

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