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Akito's eyes darted open as he heard the lock to his window being undone. His eyes widened as he saw Ryoko outside his window. Toya was still asleep and Ryoko didn't seem to notice Akito was awake. Akito prayed she'd just give up and go away... This was really creepy. Though she relented. Akito felt his heart race. He was beginning to wonder what he should do. He tried to shuffle out of Toya's warm embrace. Toya was a deep sleeper, which contrasted Akito's light sleeper nature.

Akito was thankful for that. He figured Toya shouldn't have to deal with Ryoko anymore. Akito moved slowly, trying his hardest not to be noticed. He didn't have a plan, but he knew he couldn't let Ryoko in. Akito almost revealed himself as he noticed a sound of whimpering. He blinked in confusion. Ryoko was crying..? She banged her fist against Akito's window, Toya seemed to still be sound asleep. "He will love me! I deserve it! I just have to..!" Akito heard her voice through the window, though it was muffled.

"You have to what?" Akito asked sternly, crossing his arms as he looked down at her through the window. It seemed just the sight of Akito infuriated her, her adrenaline kicking in and she elbowed the window. Glass shattered everywhere. Akito nearly stumbled backwards as she climbed her way inside his room. "If you have to know... I was just thinking. How come Toya seems so happy lately even though I am not with him?" Ryoko smiled picking herself up, her body nearly slinging upright as she appeared manic.

Akito grit his teeth. "His happiness shouldn't depend on you." He replied, anger laced his tone. She giggled like an insane person grabbing a piece of broken glass. Her hand bled at the touch. "That's just what I thought you might say, sweet and loving Akito. You couldn't keep your eyes off me, it was quite amusing!" She smiled, Akito saw pure evil in her expression. She was far gone at this point. Akito frowned. "Though, I'm sorry to admit, you're not really my type... Who am I kidding!? I couldn't give a shit!" She exclaimed.

She charged at Akito, and swiftly dodged before throwing her to the ground. She didn't react just stood back up slowly. "I see those athletic skills that got you so popular are going to be a pain... No matter, I will get rid of you." She sighed a smile tugging at her lips as she held the piece of glass up, blood dripped down her palm. Akito's ear twitched as he heard rustling of bedsheets. It seemed the thud of Ryoko's fall had woken Toya up. Toya rubbed his eyes as he realized what was going on.

Before he could get out of bed Ryoko charged at Akito again. She had him pinned against the wall, his hand holding hers back with all of his might. "Shit..!" Akito cursed. He didn't want Toya to worry. Toya rushed out of bed and tried his best to pull Ryoko off of Akito. Though she was quite heavy and Toya wasn't as athletic as Akito. Being forced to stay inside his whole childhood. All Toya could do was make it easier on Akito's hand that had to hold Ryoko back. She was way too strong for her own good.

"Why won't you just accept it already? Akito is going to die here and you'll have no one else but me! Don't you get it?" Ryoko exclaimed, clearly struggling. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you're crazy!" Toya yelled in response, Akito had never heard him so angry before. Akito gripped his hand around Ryoko's. He hated to admit it, but he could sympathize with her. He recognized the insanity of her actions, but he saw himself in her. He knew how bad jealousy could sting.

"Ryoko Fujiwara... Right? I'm sorry, it's going to get better..." Akito grunted, struggling to hold back against her. He was trying to calm her down. Here eyes seemed to soften. "What do you know!? You've been lucky from the start!" She screamed, her voice raspy as she turned around to knock Toya off of her. This caused Akito to loose his balance, before he could realize it, he felt glass pierce his back as he fell backwards. He had fallen through the window. Toya pushed Ryoko to the side as he reached his hand out, just barely missing Akito's.

The first thing Akito noticed was the cold lonely wisp of wind that tickled the edges of his fingers. It was strange, he longed to hold Toya's hand again. To feel that accepting warmth. Akito's home was rather tall, the second story equivalent to a three story normal home. Akito felt as if he were floating. His hands and legs shaking uncontrollably, as if Akito was just gravity's plaything. He felt his whole body convulse as hit the ground, bouncing like a ball.

For some godforsaken reason he still had consciousness. He felt the shards of glass slide further into his body at the contact. His head landed in a bush, comforting his fall. His body wasn't so lucky however, his back hitting the hard ground. Akito felt warm as a puddle of blood began to spill from his body. He wondered if this was it...? Wasn't death supposed to be more... Peaceful? All Akito felt was excruciating pain. He watched as Toya ran out his front door, soon followed by his family members.

Akito's vision blurred, but he could still see it. The looks of his family's faces as Akito bleed out. He felt as though he were looking through a church window. He wasn't sure how else to explain it, the world around him became foggy shapes as a sudden coldness spread through his head. He felt his head fall backwards into the bush he laid on as he slowly lost consciousness. His body far too weak to squeeze out another thought, though his heart still raced anxiously.

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