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After getting his stitches removed, Akito let out a breathy sigh of relief as he lifted himself up into a siting position for the first time since the incident. The doctor smiled. "It seems you are quite the impatient one, huh?" He chuckled. Akito smiled, putting on the façade he had grown to lean on so much. Maybe too much, "Haha, I guess you could say that." Akito said, his usual gruff voice softened. Toya frowned, but he didn't say anything.

"...Hm, in that case, would you like to try walking?" The doctor hummed. Akito nearly jumped. "How..?" Toya asked anxiously. "Well, it'll take a while before you can actually walk in the traditional sense... But, you could try using crutches, if you think your back is healed enough." The doctor explained. "Yeah, yeah sure whatever I'm fine with that, but... When will I be able to actually walk again?" Akito said dropping his façade. The doctor frowned.

"I had a feeling you might ask that." He sighed leaning against the wall. "Typically when a person breaks their bone we'd give it six to eight weeks to heal. However, you broke your bone in three different places. You shattered it..." The doctor said crossing his arms. "You shouldn't be putting any pressure on it for at least six months to a year." The doctor said, his words like knives through Akito's heart. Akito felt his head go light. Six months to a year..!?

He couldn't perform, he couldn't run, he couldn't do anything. A gush of wind blew through Akito's orange locks as Toya stood up. The force in which Toya planted his feet into the ground sent shivers down Akito's spine. "Is there anything we can do..!?" Toya pleaded. "...Honestly, I shouldn't even giving the option of walking yet... But something tells me that he's very self-disciplined. Is that right, Toya?" The doctor asked putting his hand on Toya's shoulder.

Toya nodded. "He never skips out on his routine. He always exercises and keeps himself active, not to mention he always takes extra special care of his appearance." Toya remarked, though his voice soft, it made Akito blush a bit. So, he noticed. Toya always payed attention to Akito, it made him feel special. "I think, Akito will be able to handle it then, though it's up to you guys." The doctor smiled. Toya turned his head toward Akito, and Akito could see how worried Toya was.

Akito felt his heart skip a beat. Toya was so nervous... It was sweet. "...I can do it... Just give me the details on what I need to do exactly." Akito said, struggling to keep his composure. All he wanted to do at this moment was jump onto Toya. The pain in his back and leg was the only thing holding him back. "Sure, I'll print you a form... But, uhm as for you, you're Toya Aoyagi right?" The doctor redirected his attention. "Yes... What about it?" Toya seemed to tense up.

"You've missed quite a bit of school to be here by Akito's side... You've used up all your days, they called our office today and requested that you be back by tomorrow." The doctor sighed. Toya leached his fist as Akito's eyes widened. Akito forgot completely about school. Toya was a studious guy, and cared deeply about it. It probably bothered him to miss so many days... But... "What about me? I've missed way too many days at this point." Akito chimed in. The doctor giggled.

"You have a medical reason, you physically can't-" Akito snatched the crutches in the doctors hands and stood himself up with a grunt. Both the doctor and Toya were befuddled. While Akito had more leg strength than in his arms, he still used his arms and hands a lot. Holding himself up against the crutches wasn't a problem. "Akito, you don't have to do that..." Toya said softly. Akito could see the sadness in his eyes. Akito sighed. "If Toya has to go to school after all that shit we went through, then I will too."

Akito grumbled, narrowing his eyes. The doctor was in shock. "You need to heal... I can't just let you..." The doctor sighed as Akito's expression remained unchanged. "You're not going to let this go, aren't you?" The doctor smiled turning his head at Toya then back to Akito. "They don't come like that often, you guys are lucky to have each other." The doctor winked. Toya and Akito shared a slight blush. "I suppose I can let it happen, but..." The doctor looked Akito in the eyes.

"You can't hold us liable if something bad happens." The doctor said. Akito nodded slowly, noticing the burning discomfort of standing up after laying down for so long. "If you understand that much, I'll call your family and set up your discharge arrangements. I'd also like to prescribe a pain killer medication, I can tell you're going to need it." The doctor instructed, writing something down and handing it over to the nurse. Akito sighed as he left the room.

"...Thank you, Akito." Toya said softly. Akito fell backwards onto him. Toya hurriedly caught him. The nurse came rushing over, but Akito simply smiled. "Akito..! Why'd you do that? You could've got hurt..!" Toya scolded. "Haha, I knew you'd catch me. So, stop blaming yourself, you idiot." Akito smiled looking up at Toya's face, lifting his casted leg to avoid pressure. The nurse crossed her arms. "You kids..." She huffed returning to the doorframe.

"...Akito." Toya smiled, it seemed he was holding back tears. "Don't scare me like that." He sighed. Akito smiled, hopping back up into his crutches on his one leg. "I could get use to this." He chuckled. Though he hated going to school, he didn't want to be alone right now. If he had to sit in that hospital room without Toya... He'd probably break down in tears. He was just acting brave, though he was terrified. He knew Toya was doing the exact same thing, which made him feel better. They were always on the same page.

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