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Toya's Perspective:

What do you know boy, you shouldn't even be here." Akito's mother responded, returning Toya's gaze. Akito was a little off put. His mother was usually better at acting like she cared. He guessed she snapped. Toya sighed. Akito walked over to him, but didn't pull him away in time. Toya had slapped Akito's mother across the face. Toya made sure it wasn't hard, just enough to evoke a convincing reaction. "Toya-" Akito was freaking out now. "You... Prick! How dare you hit a woman, have you never-" Akito's mom was cut off.

"I didn't do it to hurt you." Toya whispered as he pointed at Akito's father that stood down the hall. "W-Wha..?" Ena uttered shocked. It seemed Toya's plan worked out perfectly. "Honey..? Why are you here...?" Akito's mom asked, her eyes growing teary. From Toya's observations, it seemed that everyone in his household had felt ignored and unloved. They pretended like nothing was wrong... But, Toya decided to push it. Forcing Akito's father's hand.

"I couldn't just watch him do that to you..." Akito's father admitted, standing in front of his wife and daughter. Akito's father walked up to Toya. "Now for you... How dare you hit my wife!" He yelled preparing to hit Toya. Toya closed his eyes with a smile. Akito slid in front of Toya taking the hit. Toya's eyes widened as Akito recoiled back onto him. "Akito... Why did you..?" Toya couldn't continue. Akito stood back up and stood in front of Toya. "You cunning bastard. Let me handle this." He said looking his father in the eye.

"Akito...! I'm so sorry..." His father cried. He didn't mean to hit his son... Akito hugged his father. "I'm alright, but I think you need to talk to mom and Ena." Akito said, pointing toward them. They looked horrified. Akito's father frowned. He wasn't very good at facing the family's issues... Not only that, but a stranger still stood in his son's room. A stranger that just tried to hit his wife. Though his wife didn't appear to have any physical mark on her, nor did she appear to be in pain.

"I'll handle this guy... Please..." Akito pleaded, referring to Toya. Akito's father paused for a moment, before finally deciding on what he needed to do. "Alright, fine... I mean... Thank you, son." Akito's father sighed as he and the rest of Akito's family left his room. Toya watched as Akito's face lit up. "That was the first time... He ever thanked me..." Akito said squeezing his chest. Toya couldn't help but smile. He knew that Akito's family still had a long way to go, but this was a huge step.

Akito turned around to look Toya in the eye. "Ah, Akito... I'm sorry about..!" Toya was cut off by Akito jumping on top of him. The two feel to the hard wooden floor. This was the second time Akito did that today... Toya blushed as Akito kissed him. Toya returned the kiss. He guessed Akito wasn't mad at him... Eventually, after quite the while, the two parted lips. Toya felt his stomach swirl as he saw Akito's lips, they were red and swollen from their prolonged contact.

His cheeks were red and his hair a mess. It took everything in Toya not to continue. Akito slightly chuckled. "I'm not saying she didn't need it, but don't hit my mom, okay?" Akito teased. "I won't as long as she doesn't hit you." Toya responded cupping Akito's cheek. It was slightly swollen from where his father accidentally punched him. "Something tells me I'll have it a little easier at home thanks to a certain someone..." Akito smiled. "I wonder who that could be." Toya replied playfully.

"Hehe, for someone who's mostly quiet you sure know a lot about what to do in intense social situations." Akito pointed out. Toya went silent as his smile seemed to fade. Akito tilted his head. Toya's heart skipped, he was so cute. "Ah, I guess I had to learn to deal with stuff like this through my own family..." Toya said softly. Akito smiled as kissed Toya's cheek. "I'm glad... Thank you, again. Toya." Akito said leaning against Toya. "Oh, that reminds me..." Toya's eyes went to Akito's guitar.

"Do you think your hands are healed enough that you could play?" Toya asked. Akito blinked. "Oh, yeah... I think so. I was working on this song, and I think I've got the lyrics down but..." Akito replied, grabbing his guitar and tuning it. "I was hoping you could sing with me..." Akito said embarrassed. Toya smiled. "Of course, I'll just have to learn the melody..." Toya explained, blushing a little. He never had the chance to sing with Akito before, though he thought about it frequently.

This would be the first day to do it, as it marked the first day they became more than friends. Well, really it was night... But the point still stands. Toya's ears lifted up as he heard Akito begin playing. The way his fingers switched between cords in such a weird manner... The sounds turned out the same as if one were to transition traditionally, Toya could tell Akito was self-taught. That observation just added to the charm of the incredible guitar playing that sat in front of him.

"So this is the general chord progression I've got going... And then there comes the lyrics. I'll sing it as many times as-" Akito was cut off by Toya. "I'll only need to hear it once... I think." Toya stated bubbly. Akito slightly giggled as he continued to play the guitar. "If that's what you say..." He smiled, trusting Toya's judgment. Akito took a deep breath as he strummed the cords. Akito's voice was a bit rough, given all of the tears he had cried tonight. Toya could tell he was taking it easy on himself as not to damage his vocal cords.

"I want to breathe, so I release my first cry unto this world"

The first line leaves Akito's soft, slightly swollen lips. Toya could feel the emotion laced in Akito's voice.

"but it's hard to live, so again, I cry tears and scream."

Toya feels his eyes soften at this lyric. He realized that this song must've been about Akito truly felt inside.

"Do I want to live? Do I want to die? I really don't get it, this contradiction."

Akito's voice shivered a bit here, but he recover swiftly. His raw talent and emotion really shines despite Akito's healing hands and slightly raspy voice from his tears. It was really something to marvel at.

"Even if I want to die, I'll put that in these verses, these lyrics; today, I'll sing while appearing to be dead."

Toya heard as Akito's voice climbed up like stair case and the emotional intensity in Akito's voice climbed. Piquing at the note "dead" causing Akito voice to beautifully harmonize with the guitar as he sung a drawn out high note as continued to strum.

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