Chapter One

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You've got Mail!

The message I've been waiting for all day has finally appeared in my inbox. I instantly hover my mouse over the notification and click on it. It opened up a message from the agency I had been working with for a couple months now. 

Dear Miss Taylor A. Swift,

We are writing to congratulate you on gaining your official fostering license! 

I smiled brightly and continued reading the message. 

You can now start the process of child placements in your home. With the chaos of COVID-19, a placement opportunity will be quicker than usual. 

When the opportunity arises, we will give you a ring and forward through the file of the child and you can then decide if the child is the right fit for you. It is OK to decline, but sometimes this child does not have anywhere else to go.

Make your decisions carefully.

KidsPeace Foster Care, Pennsylvania. 

Well that got slightly scary. 

I wasn't creeped out for long because a wave of excitement rushed over me, 'Holy shit, I'm gonna have a kid in my house soon!' 

Knowing that I could get a placement very soon, I started my online shopping. I didn't want to buy a whole bunch of furniture and the bulky stuff just in case for some reason my paperwork wasn't accepted. Then I would of had a problem. 

I started first with bed frames. It took me a while to decide what would be best, but eventually I landed on a single bed and a bunk, that had a double bed as the bottom and a single on the top. I then purchased the mattresses to go with them, which then lead me down a rabbit hole of comforters, blankets and sheets. And of course, decorative pillows. 

I ended up with way more than I needed but you just never know what type of kid will walk through my doors. Better to be safe than sorry, and in my case I was being very safe. 

Meredith climbed onto my computer and stared at me, like she could sense something happening. "I'm gonna be a mom Mere'" I pouted at her. She meowed and purred into my outstretched hand. 

My phone buzzed on the counter top beside the laptop. I picked it up and answered the call. "Hey mom!" I greeted. "Hey sweetie. How'd it go? Have you got the E-Mail yet?" She asked, excitement laced within her voice.  "Yep! I got my license! Apparently I could get a placement any day now so I just ordered like 3 grand worth of furniture," I laughed. "Oh my gosh Taylor! That's so exciting!" My mom shrieked into the phone. 

My mom has been wanting a grandbaby for years, she's so happy that I chose to bring a child into my life even if it's not guaranteed a forever stay. I think she's just happy to spoil someone other than her giant dog.

"I know! I'm so giddy and nervous. I'll be sure to call you the second I get a placement. I'll send you lots of updates since you can't come over." I said. "And pictures of you two!" 

"Yes, but just remember you can't show anyone or post them." I reminded. "Yes, yes. Just for me to look at, I know the deal." She said. "Okay well I better let you go now so you can start organizing your house." Mom added. "Yeah, thanks." I agreed. "Bye honey, keep me in the loop!"

"Yep! Bye!"

I hung up the phone and shut my laptop. I better get to work.

My first mission is to take all of the old boxes of merch out of the first spare room and move it to the garage, then I need to vacuum both rooms to be ready for the furniture to arrive. 

"C'mon Mere'! Let's go!" I said but the lazy cat didn't move. "Fine, Dibbles? Will you keep your poor old mother company?" I asked Olivia who was sat on the back of the couch. She followed me down the hall so I found my bag of treats and gave one to her. "Your sister clearly forgets the fact I've kept her alive every day of her life." I said to the white cat following behind me.

I opened up the door opposite my bedroom and flicked on the light. I sighed at the amount of boxes. "Alright, let's just get it over with."

I walked in and picked up my first box. "Jesus these are heavier than I remember." I grunted as I lifted it up. As I walked towards the garage I read the label on the box. 


Well that makes sense why this box is like a 100 pounds.

Lifting these boxes really makes me wonder why the hell I have them in the first place. Shouldn't they be in the warehouse with all the other merch? I'll call up Tree later to see if she can sort out moving them somewhere else. I know she's only my publicist but I swear she's the only one in my team that actually does stuff quickly.

After moving the what felt like 200 boxes I collapsed on the couch. 'Yeah no, not vacuuming today' I thought to myself. Meredith approached and meowed at me, while Benjamin started a fight with Olivia by my feet. 

"Guys! You can't act crazy like this when the kiddo's here. You need to learn how to chill out." I sighed picking up Benjamin and putting him on my lap. 

"Our family's just about to get bigger Benj'. I hope your feeling more prepared than I am."

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