Chapter Two

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I stood in the kitchen with my bowl, waiting for Hanami to serve me after her four sons. One of the boys bumped into me making me yelp. "哦,我忘了她在那儿,哈哈" (Oh, I forgot she was there, Ha ha) 

After I exclaimed, the youngest son turned around to look at me. "看看她的脸!" (Look at her face!) I had no idea what they were saying to me, but by the way they were pointing and laughing at me, I could understand that it wouldn't of been nice. 

I got my dinner and sat down at the table as there was a knock at the door. Hanami got up and opened the door. My social worker stood in the opening, wielding the infamous paperwork under his arm.

After going through many homes I knew what it meant. I was being transferred, and this time I'm not upset about it. I'm more than grateful for my foster family but this family is not for me, and I'm not for them. We are too different. 

I got down off my chair and collected my belongings from the shared bedroom I was in. I knew the process all to well now. I didn't hesitate to go stand by my social worker, Sam. 

He nudged me after finishing his conversation with Hanami, so I looked up to my temporary mother and said a small thankyou. After a short while Sam and I walked out of the house and to his car. "I know that wasn't the right fit for you Ru, but I have a feeling you're going to like the next one," He said with a smile to cheer me up. I got myself into the car and he began explaining the next placement.

"This lady lives by herself in a really big house, except her three cats. You like cats right?" He asked. I nodded, feeling better about the transfer. "I've met with her already, and she's super nice. Oh and I forgot to mention- her names Taylor."

"Your going to be her very first placement."

I liked how Sam always talked to me like a big kid, he never underestimated me. He always gave it to me straight, never lied and most of all tried his best to give me the best chances of locating a forever family. 

The drive to my new placement was about 45 minutes. Sam and I occupied ourselves with music and games like I-spy. As we pulled into a gated off estate, Sam pointed to a large house on the side of the hill. "There it is!" He said. 

"Wow." I gasped softly.

Sam drove up the driveway and parked the car near the entrance. I felt special knowing I was the first foster kid to be in this huge house. Sam helped me out of the car before we walked up the steps to the front door. He pressed the door bell and stood back beside me. I looked very small compared to him and especially with my big back pack on. 

The door opened up after a few seconds to reveal a blonde woman with red lipstick. Her hair was just a touch below her shoulders and slightly curled. She had a big smile plastered across her cheeks.

"Ruben, this is Taylor." Sam introduced her. I looked up at her. She was very tall. Taylor waved at me and smiled. She knelt down on the floor so she was at my level. "Hello, Ruben. It's nice to meet you," She giggled happily and held out her hand to me. I reached out too and gave it a weak shake. 

Sam's phone started ringing to he excused himself and stepped outside. It must of been important. 

Taylor offered her hands out to me. "Would you like me to take that? I can go put that in your room," She said. I gave my bag over and Taylor grabbed it before standing up. "I'll give you a tour," she said gesturing to her large house. 

Oh boy, I was for sure going to get lost in here. 

I followed the tall lady to a hallway where she opened up a door. "This is my room. Nice and close to you if you need me." She said, letting me have a look inside. "Woah," I said quietly. "Your bed's so big," I told her, peeking up at her. "Yeah. My cats sleep with me, and they take up like the whole thing and I'm left with a tiny little bit," She laughed before shutting the door. "Where are they?" I inquired. 

"I don't know, probably in the lounge room. We can go find them after we get to your room?" 

I nodded and we continued on with the tour that was cut short for now. Taylor opened up another door and we walked inside this time. She placed my bag down on the bed and unzipped it. She pulled out my clothes and other items to put away, but for now she just laid them on the bed. I looked around the room curiously. 

"Look Ruben, this is your own bathroom." Taylor said and slid a door opposite my bed open. It revealed a ensuite with a blue tiled half wall separating the toilet and the shower. On the other side there was a large bath built into the wall and the counter was adorned with a sink and many fun looking toiletries. 

"I hope you like it," Taylor said as I walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. I nodded eagerly. "Kitties?" I asked. "Yep! C'mon let's go find them!" She said and pretended to run excitedly out of the bedroom. I couldn't help but giggle and run after her. 

We ran past Sam who was now off the phone. He laughed too, "Well isn't this going awesome!"

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