Chapter Seven

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"Would you like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere." I was curled up on my side, duvet bundled up in my hands along with a stuffed giraffe I found in my room earlier as Taylor read Green Eggs and Ham to me. 

She was sat on the floor across from bed, legs crossed and hair up in a messy bun. The light was dim in the room, only the bedside lamp glowing a soft yellow. I knew Taylor was nervous about leaving me in here tonight and so was I, but I was determined to prove my fearlessness. 

"Another book?" Taylor asked. I shook my head. "OK. I'm just out here remember?" She said as she got up from the carpet. "I'll leave your bathroom light on and the hallway light too." Taylor explained, shutting the bathroom door but I could see the light peeking under the wood. She walked back over to me and smiled warmly, flicking my lap off.

"Goodnight Ruben. Sweet dreams, honey."

Taylor walked out of the room, putting the book on the shelf on her way. She left the door slightly ajar, then I heard her footsteps move down the hall. I rolled onto my back and adjusted my head on the pillow. 

My stomach was feeling a bit strange. Not quite sore, or queasy, just weird. I tried to fall asleep for ages, and I didn't want to disturb Taylor for the second night in a row so I sat up in my bed and started to distract myself with stuff I could find in my room. I turned on my lap and pushed the duvet off my legs before sliding out of the sheets. 

I started to go through some drawers and found heaps of unopened packages and containers. It was mostly for babies, which didn't interest me until I found a collection of different pacifiers. My cheeks heated up as my hand reached into the drawer and pulled one out. It was dark green, circular guard and soft teat. I quickly ran back to bed and hid under the covers, sliding into my mouth. 

As embarrassing as it was, it was incredibly soothing. 




Just one more check on her. 

I tiptoed down the hallway as silent as possible, peaking my head around the corner. Her light was on, so I made my way inside the room to switch it off. As I bent down to grab the cord, I noticed something in her mouth. I peered over, realising what it was. I looked over to the chest of drawers and saw where she got it from. 

I chuckled to myself and covered her legs up with the blanket as her pyjamas had rolled up her calves. It solves the issue of her healing fingers though. 

I walked out pleased knowing she was OK. 



I squinted, scanning the room around me until they fell on Ruben standing at the foot of my bed. "Yeah? What's up? Come over here, I won't bite." I joked propping myself up on my elbow. I looked over to my alarm clock.


"What's up darling?" I asked as the girl toddled over to me. "Sore tummy," She mumbled, holding it. "That's no good! Climb up and show me where it hurts lovey." I pouted and patted the spot beside me. 

I helped her up and she laid down, lifting up her pyjama shirt, pointing directly in the middle of her stomach. "Hm. How much does it hurt? Like really really bad, feel like screaming and crying or is it just kinda there and uncomfortable?" I asked. 

"Little hurt. Uncomfy" She said, putting her shirt back down. "I'm sorry Ru. should we go get you some medicine?" I asked, earning a little nod from her. I got up from the bed and picked the toddler up, as her arms were reached out to me. 

I carried the sweet girl to the bathroom and set her down on the counter top beside the sink. I opened up the mirror and pulled down the Pepto sitting on the shelf and put the pink container down onto the bench. I then did the same with the little medicinal container that comes with it and poured some of the thick liquid into the tiny plastic cup. 

"Drink this, here," I said handing the girl the medicine. She reluctantly tipped it into her mouth and swallowed thickly. "Yucky..." She mumbled, wiping her lips on her sleeve. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry you don't feel good, baby."

I picked the toddler back up and set her on my hip. I brushed her hair out of her eyes. "Would you like to try eating something? Maybe you just need some food?" I offered. Ruben nodded so we then walked out to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat, honey? Toast again?" I asked as I set her down on the floor. She nodded and walked over to the couch and curled up with Meredith. 

Once Ruben's toast was made I brought it over to her on the couch. I sat down with it on my lap and she sat up only to lean onto me instead of the sofa. She began to nibble at the edge of the bread but put it down. She clutched her stomach. "Don' feel good," She murmured. "Aw darling, I think you're sick. Let's hope you start feeling better soon," I pouted.

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