Chapter Four

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"Oh Ruben, you've made quite the mess of yourself!" Taylor exclaimed light-heartedly after I finished my bowl of spaghetti. I looked at my orange stained hands and around the table for a napkin, or something to wipe my hands with. I saw nothing in my quick glance so I opened up my palms and began to press them into the front of my dress. "Wait! Stop!" Taylor jumped up to grab a wet cloth and jogged over to me. "Not on your clothes, silly girl." She scolded playfully.

She grabbed my hands and wiped them both thoroughly in the damp fabric. "How about a bath?" Taylor giggled, looking at the pasta sauce all over my face. I nodded and outstretched my sticky hands. She picked me up gladly and put down the cloth. "Can I call you Tay? Taylor is hard for me to say," I said to the woman shyly. "Of course you can sweet girl. Call me whatever you like!" Taylor said happily as we walked down the hallway to my bedroom. 

She put me down gently once we got into the room. "I got you some clothes, I don't know what you like so there is a lot of different options here. Why don't you come choose?" Taylor said kneeling down at the chest of drawers. I padded over and peered into the drawer. I pointed eagerly to a heart set in the corner. "Them!"

"Nice choice! Those are some pretty cute pyjamas

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"Nice choice! Those are some pretty cute pyjamas." Taylor said, grabbing them for me. "What about underpants, are these OK?" She asked, holding up a pair of white panties with a little bow on the pink hem line. I nodded with a grin. I was excited to have some new clothes. 

Taylor got up with a crack of her knees making us both giggle. "I'm getting old, Ruben!" Taylor sung in a silly voice making me burst out into another fit of giggles. "You're funny Tay!" I laughed. "Thank you," She chuckled out.

The tall woman laid out my clothes on the counter, by the sink. She then walked over the tub and turned the handle to about the middle. Taylor grabbed a bath mat and laid it down before now checking the water temperature as it has had a few seconds to adjust. "Come feel it, honey. Tell me if it's too hot." She waved me over. I skipped over and stuck my hand under the stream of water. "No I like it." I told her and squatted down to wipe my wet hand on the fluffy bath mat below me. 

Taylor walked back over to the counter and started collecting up some bottles of soap, shampoo and conditioner meanwhile I had started to take my dress off and I was stuck with it on my neck and my arms up. "Tayy!! Help!!" I shrieked. The woman whipped around and dropped the bottles quickly onto the counter top before rushing over to me. "You're OK, darling. You've just got it caught in your tank top, I'm gonna get you out. I've got it, don't worry."

Taylor promptly untangled me and got the dress over my head. "Are you OK, Ruben? Did that freak you out?" She asked, scanning my face for any distress. I nodded and covered my face with my hands. "No, no it's OK. Don't hide your pretty face. I'm sorry that happened, it must of been real scary. I wish I had known you wanted the dress off and I could've helped you."

"Here. Let me help you with the rest?" Taylor suggested, her hands out by the bottom of my shirt. I nodded, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. She gently pulled the white tank up my body and over my head, strategically keeping the fabric away from my face as she did. Taylor reached for my socks so I held up one leg at a time, holding onto her shoulders for balance. 

Taylor hooked a finger either side of my hips into my underwear so they would fall down with a small pull. She stood up and checked the water again. "OK, ready to hop in?" She asked. I nodded and held my arms out to her again. Taylor picked me up and set me down into the warm water. I sat down onto my bottom and crossed my legs together. 

Taylor grabbed a folded up towel and placed it onto the floor to kneel on, and a washcloth for my body. "Let's get this bolognaise off of your face, hm?" She giggled, wetting and sudsing up the cloth with some Johnsons. She reached over and placed a hand on the back of my head while rubbing gently around my mouth with the cloth. 

Taylor pulled the cloth away and inspected the job. "All gone?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled warmly towards me. "All gone babydoll. Would you like some toys to play with in there?" 

"Toys? In the bath?" I asked curiosuly. "Mhm! They make 'em for the bath! Lemme show you,"

The blonde stood up and opened up the cupboards across from the tub. She pulled out a mesh bag and brought it back over to me. She pulled open the drawstring and tipped all the rubber ducks and other miscellaneous bath toys in front of me. "Woah!" I gasped, sifting through all the options. 

"You're the best Tay! Can we be friends? 'Cause I wanna be friends."

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