Chapter Six

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Taylor yawned as she made herself a coffee. The bitter smell of coffee beans burnt my nose. Once the black liquid made its way into a mug with milk and sugar the woman walked over to me taking a tentative sip. 

She glanced down at my hand. "Can I help?" She asked, peering at the painful skin. I shook my head, I didn't want her to touch. She looked defeated but didn't pursue the conversation. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" Taylor asked. I nodded. "Can I offer you anything else? A distraction? A walk? Talking about it?" She asked.

One thing I really admired about Taylor is how she always says it how it is and doesn't talk down to me just because I'm young. I know it hasn't been long but I know I will always remember Taylor if I get moved on. 

I reached my hands out to her, so she put her mug down onto the bench and picked me up. "Does this help?" She whispered as she gently began to sway her hips back and forth, and memories of her soothing me the night before resurfaced. I felt myself melting into the woman, so although the response wasn't verbal Taylor knew my answer. 



"How are we doing down there, Chicky?" I asked Ruben as I set down a plate of buttered toast on the wood floor, as per the toddlers request. Ruben and I had migrated into the studio now as that is where the cats had been located. The girl hummed in satisfaction as she picked up the bread. 

I sat down on the couch behind where she was sat and picked up my computer again. Meredith began circling Ruben, eyeing the plate of toast making her visibly anxious. "Tayy..." She whined desperately. Her emotions were quick to rise, before I could even set my laptop down and come help she was in tears. "Hey, hey, Ruben. It's OK. Mere hasn't touched your toast, she's just looking. Aw, honey, c'mere. You're alright"

I picked up the plate and put it on the couch and then picked up the girl. I sat down with her on my knee and placed the plate in her lap, but I kept a grip on it just in case. I hushed the girl  strategically in a way where it calmed her down but didn't make her feel bad for crying. It was quite the task. 

"She gon' eat my food..." Ruben sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "I wont let her. Even if she does I'll just go make you some more." I reassured. "Are you worried that you will miss out on food?" I then asked. The toddler nodded, putting her fingers in her mouth. I gently pulled them back out. I really have to find an alternative for that.

 "No one will go without food in my house, OK? That's one thing I can promise you. You will never have to be hungry. Not now, not ever."

I gave the girl a squeeze and a kiss on the head. Once I loosened my grip, Ruben pulled me back to hug her once more. I wasn't expecting a child that warmed up to me so quickly, let alone craving affection like she has. I may not have all the answers but what I do know is that this poor girl has gone through some shit.

Ruben picked up her toast and nibbled on the edge. "Can I have choc'ate milk? I've not had it in f'ever." She asked, her puppy dog eyes staring up at me. "Of course you can, love. We have to make it though, do you wanna help?" I asked. She nodded eagerly. "Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!" I gasped. Ruben let out a giggle as I put her down and pretended to run away. 

I smiled brightly hearing her sweet laugh again. The girl ran behind me with her plate and into the guest bedroom. "Wrong way baby girl! This way, quick, c'mon!" I excitedly yelled making her laugh louder. 

Once we made it into the kitchen I sat Ruben up on the counter like always and pulled out my blender. I set it down next to her and plugged it in. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some milk and then past the cupboard for some Hersheys powder. "Here we go! My arms are a bit tired right now, I need someone really strong to help pour the milk into the blender, do you know who could help us?" I asked the girl playfully. 

Rubens hand shot up to the roof immediately. "I can help Tay!"

"Perfect!" I exclaimed and unscrewed the plastic lid on the milk. "Two hands honey, there we go, look at you! You are doing so good!" I guided as Ruben picked up the milk and poured it carefully into the blender. I stopped her when it was full enough and spooned some Hersheys powder onto the milk. 

"Can you put the lid on Ru?"

She lifted the lid on and patted it shut with the palm of her hand. "Good job," I praised. The girl then covered her ears so I started blending the milky powder together. Once the blender turned off Ruben took her hands down from her ears and squealed happily. "What type of cup would you like?" I asked, heading over to the cabinent. "Lid cup" She answered which had me pondering for a few seconds. "Lid cup...Like this?" I showed her what I could find.

"Yeah! So I can lay down and it not spill!" Ruben cheered and held her hands out for the bottle

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"Yeah! So I can lay down and it not spill!" Ruben cheered and held her hands out for the bottle. "Let me fill it first baby doll," I chuckled and poured some smooth chocolate milk into the cup, until it was half full. I screwed on the lid tight and handed it back. "Thank you Tay!"

"You're welcome." I smiled 

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