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Chapter 97: It could produce so many things?

Because he had offered the formula for making ice, the emperor had personally offered Xiao Hanzheng 100 taels of gold.

This gold did not seem to be much, but it signified a kind of honour.

Mo Qingling brought the imperial edict and gold to Xiaxi village, and all the villagers there were extremely excited.

In this era, the identity of one's clan was very strong.

If there was someone in the clan who performed well, apart from a few who were narrow-minded, most people would be happy.

The chief was also very happy and brought a few clan elders to congratulate them.

Xiao Hanzheng placed the gold he received as a reward into the house and came out to welcome Mo Qingling and the rest.

If there wasn't an urgent need, they would normally not spend away this kind of gold reward.

This time, Mo Qingling came to Xiaxi village and discovered many differences.

There were many stalls set up at the village entrance, and many people from the county town visited this village.

Those who didn't know would think that Xiaxi village was a lively town.

Then, they saw a few workshops built by the Xiao family.

After asking around, they found out that these were all purchased by the Xiao family for making mosquito incense and so on.

There were some who deliberately came to buy sugar.

Of course, many also came for saltpetre.

Ever since the formula for making ice was made public, the entire Daliang had been looking for saltpetre mines.

However, because they were limited to the land above sea level, the saltpetre mines they could find were limited.

The saltpetre mine in Xiaxi village that could be mined off the shelf became a hot topic.

There were still large clans in the prefectural city who wanted to occupy this saltpetre mine.

He was the one who stopped them.

This was a place under his jurisdiction, and no other clans or people were allowed to chip in.

He had grown up in the capital and visiting Nanxi county was the first time he had travelled so far.

He had also seen the underprivileged communities which were very different from the prosperity among families in the capital.

He had originally come for the iron mine, but now he really wanted to do something for the commoners.

Seeing Xiao Hanzheng's graceful movements brewing tea in a way that he had never seen before, Mo Qingling felt that he might have underestimated this couple previously.

After taking a sip, the tea was very refreshing and mellow.

It tasted better than the tea that he used to drink.

"What kind of tea is this?"

Xiao Hanzheng smiled and said, "This is the Gongfu tea that my wife learned."

Mo Qingling took another sip. "It's very good."

Xiao Hanzheng said generously, "If you like it, you can let the people around you learn it. When you want to drink it, you can make your own tea."

His wife had said that adding some ingredients into the tea now would lose the taste that it should have. It would be good if they could promote Gongfu tea to outsiders too.

[1] After Breaking Off My Marriage, I Became A Powerful Minister's TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now