Found It !

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Police and Fornices were called , Nandini's body photos and marking was done and was send to fornice lab for testing. Police were questioning family members about this , also Meera and her team were searching for some clues.

While searching near Nandini's bed Meera found a smashed moblie phone of Nandini , she collected it and ordered Ravi "Ravi take this and recover everything from this phone , I am sure that she was talking to some one while she was attacked and there was no signs of struggle."

"Okay Ma'am . but Ma'am You should come near window." Said Ravi

Meera went near Window and saw a window latch were Ravi had pointed , It was unlocked meaning no one trespass and loud WOW sound came from back garden that was of Lalita . Police and Meera and Ravi ran towards her and asked her together "What????"

"Ma'am here is ladder exactly near Nandini's room ." Lalita answered

"Why are you searching for ladder ?" questioned Meera

"Bcoz on window there are some scratches in downward direction and that means who ever entered her room was known to nandini she her self put it there." Answered Lilita , and Ins. S.M. Mehra phone rang . He answered it and announced it "Kamala has been found near outhouse and guess what again Viraj was there too."

"Viraj kidnapped her , Inspector you have to arrest Viraj immediately." Said Meera


Few hours Later

Meera and Inspector when on location and Meera found Kamala near Police wagon . Her wounds were been checked , again Meera saw them and smiled at her .

Next Day

Meera was talking to Suruchi While inspector came and declared that they are here to arrest Viraj . "Inspector Please stop , Please " Plead Geeta But Viraj silently walk with Police and they took him

When Geeta came inside her eyes were red due crying and her face was Fuming with angry . She walk directly at Kamala and start to yell at her "All of This is because of you , You came in our life and we are suffering. "

"Didi What have I done "

"You Can't have him , He choose me Over you , Bcoz he loves me and I love him, we all love him . You will have to pay for this"

At this Point Kamala was yelling to and her tone change "Not only but I love him to"Stopped and added "....uh I mean we all servants " Meera thought of Kamala's sentence , she felt it strange.

Suruchi took aside Geeta and Geeta and Other walk towards study Dev said "I am going to lawyer , Geeta , Suchi , He will be out in no time."saying this started to dial on his phone.

While they were leaving Geeta murmur something but no quiet clear "I didn't want this to happen.....ah!" and she too left in kitchen.

In Garden Below Nandini's Bedroom

While Meera was looking at window and some time later Ravi came "Ma'am call records ." and handed Meera a sheet "Since last 3 days Nandini is constantly talking to this number , and yesterday there are 20 call on same number"

Meera read a sheet properly and said "she was talking on same number before and while she was murdered and they talk for more than 1hr , how unusual ? hmm........Ravi get the details of this number and take Kamala to Doctor for checking her injures and ask him not tell Kamala anything just give her medicine. Okay "

Ravi got it and was Leaving "Wait and send address to me and send her home and you wait there for me . " said Meera

"Why Ma'am ?"

"You Will Know."

Chapter End

Only one question what is going on in Meera'a mind? Know keep reading........

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