Chapter 3

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Victoria's POV

It took about ten minutes to make it to the pack house, where I'll be staying. Many people giving me and Xavier weird glances, I guess their not used to a random girl riding on their alphas back...?

Once we went into the pack house, Xavier quickly changed into his human form. He then put on some black sporty shorts and a tight fitted navy blue tank. I could see all of his perfectly sculpted muscles through his shirt, which definitely didn't help my arousal.

Before we were able to make it into the living room—where both of my parents were frantically pacing around the room, trying to find something to occupy themselves with—Xavier pulled me aside and looked down at me for a few moments before speaking.

"I need you to calm down before we go in there." He stated as he stared at me with dark eyes, also trying to control himself at the moment.

"I can smell your arousal from a mile away and I'm sure you don't want your parents and pack members smelling it as well, now do you?"

"No..." I said as I looked up at him and told my wolf to calm herself, that we can't have him right now.

"Good." Is all he said before he turned away, leaning against the wall, giving each other a moment to gather ourselves.

After we both calmed down we walked side-by-side into the living room/main area. I couldn't even see my parents between everyone in here, that is, until my mother launched herself at me, making me stumble back a bit.

My mom engulfed me in a ginormous hug while she wept, telling me how worried she was. Once she pulled away my father was next, he hugged me and patted my hair, although he didn't cry like my mom, not wanting to seem weak in front of the other men in the room.

"Victoria you can't be so reckless all the time! Do you know how worried we were?!" My mother scolded me, once she collected herself.

"I didn't even do anything!" I replied back, my tone matching hers.

"HEY! Watch how you speak to your mother." My father said, his voice turning quiet and menacing towards the end.

You could audibly hear Xavier growl at my father after he said that. Xavier quickly rushed to my side and screamed "MINE!" At my dad until he bowed his head out of respect.

"Y-You two are m-mates?" My mother said quietly and stuttering, not wanting to anger the dominant alpha more.

"Yes, and I never want to hear you talk to my girl like that ever again. Do you understand me?" He growled out, while turning in my direction and putting his face in my neck, taking in my scent.

"Alpha Xavier, if I may... don't you think it best to hold a celebration, for our forthcoming Luna?" One of the men who witnessed the entire scene play out, said to my mate.

"Yes, that is a wonderful idea Thomas! It will be held tonight, tell everyone to get everything set up. We will tell the whole pack of this great news tonight." Xavier said, as that man—who I now know as Thomas—nodded his head in respect for his alpha and also agreeing to his requests.

My parents both looked at me with looks that said "are you ok?" And "are you sure about this". I looked back at them and nodded my head reassuringly, making sure they know I'm safe with him.

"Come bellisima, I will show you the pack grounds." Xavier said and interlocked our hands as he walked towards the door.

"What about my parents?" I asked him, looking back to make sure they're alright.
"My good friend Henry, will be showing them where they'll be staying." He said, not taking his eyes off of me.

I nodded hesitantly at that, I usually stick near my parents and now I will be away from them for quite a long time. I guess I should get used to it, after all I'm not a baby, I'm eighteen years old and I can handle myself. 

Xavier could sense my nervousness and kissed my temple closest to him, in an attempt to make me less anxious. He also squeezed my hand tighter and pulled me closer to his body, getting more possessive by the minute.


It had been about three hours of him showing me around and telling me about pack members, like his beta—Thomas, who is not only his right hand man but also his best friend—and his third in command, after Thomas, Henry, who is the guy who showed my parents their room.

We were now in Xaviers room—which is apparently OUR room now—getting ready for the celebration. Xavier had already finished getting ready, he was wearing an all black outfit, black button up with black slacks and a black blazer. He was also wearing a shiny silver chain around his neck, making his icy blue eyes pop. His hair was nearly perfect, only a few strands out of place.

Xavier left the room after finishing and told me that he'll be waiting for me at the main field, where the celebration will be held.

I started panicking realizing that I don't have a dress, but quickly ignored that, starting to do my hair and makeup.

I gave my long brunette hair some waves and did a no makeup-makeup look.


As soon as I got out of the bathroom I seen a big box on the bed with a giant red ribbon tied around it.

I walked over warily and seen a note resting on top of the box, tucked under the ribbon.

The note said:

Hello my love,

Here is a little something for tonight. I can't wait to see you in it. See you soon.

  Your mate.

I put the note on the nightstand, smiling giddily at my adorable mate. I slid the ribbon off of the big black box and opened it to reveal what's inside.

And I couldn't believe my eyes...


(1029 words)

As promised I update every Friday so here's chapter 3!!!

I really hope you enjoy and if you do please vote, comment or follow!

Anyway, stay safe and drink water!

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