Chapter 4

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Victoria's pov

Inside of the box was a beautiful, black, silky, floor-length dress. It had slits going up both sides on the thighs of the dress and a V-neckline. It was the most gorgeous piece of clothing I've ever seen. No doubt that this dress cost more than my life and my parents lives combined, no joke.


I carefully slipped the dress on, not wanting to accidentally ruin it.

Once it was on I went over to the huge mirror in the room and looked myself over. I've never been the prettiest girl and I know it but in this moment I would say I looked beautiful.

Making sure one last time that I looked okay, I headed towards the door of my new bedroom—which is Xavier's room, I'm still getting used to that—then I exited the room.

I knew where the "welcoming party"—I guess you could say—was being held because Xavier had showed me earlier, when we were on our walk.

I headed out of the pack house and started my journey over there, careful not to trip on any bumps and cracks in the ground.


It has been about half an hour since Xavier introduced me to the Grey moon pack as their Luna. I had to say that the change in different peoples opinions on me were giving me whiplash. Some are very welcoming and friendly, while others are judgemental and jealous. About five people have said that their Luna should be someone of rank (RIGHT TO MY FACE) I'm assuming they are dying of dementia because being the Luna literally gives me rank but ok *sarcastically gives thumbs up*.

At least Xavier is defending me...somewhat. He tells them that I am the Luna though and that I must be treated with respect.

Oh yes, I almost forgot.

"Xavier...thank you so much for this dress. It means a lot to me."

"What are you talking about?" Xavier looked at me like I've gone completely insane, which I haven't.

"...the dress I'm gave it to me...?" I nodded my head towards my amazing black dress and yet no recognition was on his beautifully sculpted face.

"I- no I didn't." He stated with confusion.

"Yes you did, you left me a note. You signed it 'sincerely, your mate'..."

"Victoria...I didn't leave you a note or give you that dress. If it wasn't me, who was the one that gave it to y-" Xavier hadn't even finished his sentence when someone cut him off.

"I did." A deep raspy voice said from the right of us, making us both whip our heads to the side.

And when I tell you that as soon as I seen this god-like man, everything clicked into place.

"Oh my god..." I whispered so quietly if everyone in the room weren't werewolves, they wouldn't have heard.

By this point everyone at the party had turned and looked over to see what was going on.

"Y-you! You're the man from the restaurant. You gave me the dress. And oh my god, that's why I've been feeling like this all this time. It's because of's all because of you." I raised my voice at this man who hurt me at the restaurant and of course Xavier didn't know what I was talking about because this man gave the dress to me, not him.

"Haha well done sweetheart, really put the pieces together on that one, huh?" The man chuckled darkly and replied to me with an overly sarcastic comment.

"Ok...what the actual fuck is going on?!" Xavier said from beside me and it honestly startled me from the way his voice got so shallow.

"Victoria, baby, come to me." The man said, not breaking eye contact with me and completely ignoring Xavier.

I had this strong sense of urgency to go to him and I almost did, that is, until Xavier grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"Do. Not. Touch. Her!" The man screamed at Xavier so loudly it echoed and you could practically hear his chest rumble.

"Don't tell me what to do with my mate, you fucking piece of shit!" Xavier argued back while still holding me in place.

"Oh-ho-ho, so she's your mate now?" The man said as he started to walk closer to us.

"Yes, she always has been!" Xavier hissed at him, although the man didn't seem fazed at all.

"Well guess what, pretty boy, she's mine as well so I suggest you step away from her before I rip your fucking head off." The man said this so dangerously quietly it scared the shit out of everyone watching, except Xavier.

"Woah woah woah, not so fast there. Victoria would obviously choose me over you any day. So even if you are really her mate—which I don't believe—it doesn't matter."

"Why don't you ask Victoria what she wants then?" After the man said this, I could feel all eyes turn to me, waiting expectantly for an answer that they weren't going to get.

"I- um... I- I can't do this, I'm sorry." Once I said that I bolted heading straight for the woods that surrounded the Grey moon packs land.

I didn't bother shifting as I didn't want to rip this beautiful dress I have on, even if it wasn't from Xavier.

Although it was very tiring and painful running in heels. So after about ten-fifteen minutes I ditched them.

I kept running and running until I couldn't anymore and I didn't look back once...


Sorry this is a really short chapter

And also sorry this was posted late, I was at my cottage and didn't have service.

Anyways enjoy!! stay safe and stay hydrated people <3

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