Chapter 6

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Xavier's pov

We finally made it back to my pack house after a long and tiring journey. Dealing with Marcus was hard, but dealing with a drunk Victoria was even harder. She refused to go back home and only after about half an hour of convincing she agreed.

I could tell she is more confused than angry at us—trust me when I say, we're confused as well—but we are definitely angry at her.

We don't know why Victoria has two mates or why Marcus and I must share her but I'd rather share her than not have her at all.

We're angry at Vic because she was dancing on another man! Although I guess it isn't really her fault, as she-wolves cannot distinguish their mates from others when intoxicated, it is still very frustrating though.

Victoria is mine and she always will be. I don't care what Marcus says, I met her first and I'll always love her more.

I met Marcus' grandmother when I was younger and according to her he is only tough on the outside and it's all a facade. I don't believe her though, Marcus is incapable of feeling love for anyone and that is why Vic is mine.

I will show Victoria over time that I am the one for her and Marcus will be discarded like the piece of trash that he is.

Only if I have to, will I share Victoria with that thing.

But right now the thing I must focus on is convincing Victoria that she should sleep with me tonight and not him.

"Why would you even consider sleeping in the same bed as him Vic? You just met him, for goddess sake!" I yelled now getting frustrated with the situation.

"Oh yeah, like she's any safer with you?" Marcus retorted after Victoria didn't answer me.

"Actually she is safer with me! I've been looking for my mate for six years, you think I'd hurt her?" I can't believe he'd even say that!

"Pfff please, I've been looking for her for five years and now that I've found her I'm not letting her sleep in the same bed as an old ass grandpa." How dare he!

"I'm not that old! I'm twenty-three you idiot and if Victoria would choose who she wants she'd choose me in a second not you MaRcUs!" Marcus is so absolutely delusional it's honestly kind of funny. I mean did he even think he stood a chance against me?

The entire time this was happening Victoria was stood in the corner of the room observing us fight.

"Enough! I'm not sleeping with either of you!" Victoria yelled while walking up the stairs and going into our shared bedroom.

Marcus and I glanced at each other before we both bolted up the stairs and into mine and Victoria's room.

We were both ready to protest against what she just had said until we walked in the room and were rendered speechless.

Victoria was there standing in the middle of the room with her dress off and just in her under garments.

She looked so beautiful standing there in front of me it felt illegal to look away but I wanted to respect her privacy.

I slowly turned around and waited till she had her pyjamas on, only turning around once I heard the bathroom door close.

I looked at Marcus and realized he'd been staring at her the whole time, what a douche.

I could hear the sink tap water running in the bathroom and knew she was brushing her teeth. That's perfect because that buys me some time.

"You're not sleeping with her." I stated coldly while maintaining eye contact.

"And why are you so sure about that? Huh?" Marcus said refusing to be the first to look away.

"Because she's sleeping in here."

"What does that have anything to do with who's sleeping with her...?" He asked utterly confused and kind of annoyed with me.

"Not sure if you haven't noticed but this is my room and if she's sleeping in here, you sir, are not." I said, satisfaction dripping from my voice, knowing I'd won.

"Ok well, you aren't either." He growled at me trying to send me a warning to stand down.

"While I have too...there is no other room for me to sleep."

"You can sleep on the couch? Or the floor? Either way, you're not sleeping with her." Marcus said while taking menacing steps towards me.

"You don't tell me what to do! You're on my land, remember that alpha Marcus. Also you're sleeping on the couch so there's no room for me."

Before Marcus could retaliate, Victoria walked out of the bathroom and made her way to the bed. I honestly couldn't tell if she knew we were even there or not.

Victoria looked exasperated and exhausted at the same time. All I wanted to do in this moment was to comfort her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. I wanted to hold her close to me and kiss her forehead while she drifted off to sleep. I wanted her- no I needed  her,  bad, and I couldn't care less about Marcus right now.

I slowly made my way over to the bed and pulled off my shirt and pants until I was just in my boxers.

In the corner of my eye I could see Marcus copying my actions and then we both slipped in the bed on either side of Vic.

Victoria was facing me and I could tell she was still awake but barely. Her beautiful blue eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with such adoration, all the anger she was feeling completely vanished.

Marcus rubbed his hand along her back and kissed her gently along the area behind her ear, making her shiver.

I went closer to her and slowly lowered my lips onto hers, loving the way she leaned into me. She had sobered up quite a bit but I didn't want to go too far while she still had alcohol in her system.

Marcus and I both pulled away from her and looked at each other from across the bed, silently communicating.

Once we knew we both had agreed to the same thing, I laid my head down on the pillow and kissed Victoria's forehead just like I hoped I would.

And right before I could see Victoria finally fall asleep, Marcus whispered something that made Victoria's heart race.

"Darling, we're sorry for earlier, but your ours now..."

And that's when Victoria fell into a deep sleep with a heart beating fast and a smile on her gorgeous face.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)

I'm starting high school in less than a week and I'm terrified and I feel like I'll be overwhelmed with work so if I start posting chapters less often that's why.

Next chapter will be posted next Friday!! I hope you have an amazing day and don't forget to stay safe and hydrated, bye you smut-whores ;)

You Are OursNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ