Chapter 5

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Marcus' pov

As soon as that dipshit decided to open his mouth she ran off. My beautiful fucking mate ran away from me and hasn't come back yet.

It's all his fault, if Prince Charming over there didn't say that she'd choose him over me than none of this would've happened.

I can't believe the moon goddess would do this to me. I've been searching for my mate for around five years and now I find her and she's with another guy.

As soon as she bolted, Xavion—or whatever his name is—started calling out for her but she didn't turn back. I don't blame her, if he called for me I wouldn't turn back for him either. He's a pussy and doesn't deserve her, I'll win her over in no time.

Nice boys finish last, right? Well he's just a wimp so it's an easy win for me.

I'm now in the Grey moon pack's main room and let me tell you I do not want to be here. So many people are giving me dirty looks and apparently it's treason to kill them. Normally I wouldn't care, I'm the alpha of the blood pack, it's part of the job. Victoria is now apart of this pathetic pack though and I don't know if she cares about any of the people in this room, so I'll spare them.

"Who are you and what do you want with Victoria?!" The weakling yelled in my face again and punched me in the stomach.

"I told you already, she's my mate and I'm the alpha of the blood pack! Why can't you get that through that thick skull of yours, god damn! Are you really that stupid, huh? Need me to spell it out for you?!"

I could tell he didn't like that comment because he walked away, ran a hand down his face and then walked back over to me, taking very deep breathes.

"I am Xavier Cole, alpha of the Grey moon pack and protecter of my people. I am also twenty-three years old, so I'd shut your twenty-two year old bitch ass up if I were you." He spit in my face.

Honestly I'm a little surprised, I hadn't expected him to have the balls to say that...

I'm still not going to let that slide though.

I was about to run up and beat his ugly ass when an older man came into the room and yelled at both of us to stop.

"Enough is enough! Will you both please stop the arguing! My daughter is goddess knows where and my wife is balling in our room. I need my Victoria home, I need to know she is safe! So stop the bickering and get your lazy-asses out there, so that way she can be home by dark." The older man yelled, I'm impressed and pissed at the same time. They way he had the guts to yell and order around two alpha's is impressive and ballsy but he should know better than to talk to an alpha like that.

I'll let it slide since his daughter is missing and since he's my future father-in-law.


It's been about three hours since me and Xavier had called a somewhat truce and began looking for Victoria.

We'd looked through all of the woods far and wide and hadn't found a single thing until now. Her high heels that she'd been wearing at the party were on the ground, I'm assuming she'd ditched them throughout her run and not something worse.

Finding these heels made my body light up with excitement because it could only mean one thing, we're on the right track.

Me and Xavier kept walking in the woods until we came to a clearing and could see a little town nearby. By this time it was already pretty late and it was almost pitch black outside.

The town was dead silent except for a club that was open and a lot of people were inside getting wasted, so that's where we went first.

The bouncer let us in after we showed our ID's and we stepped into the club, it reeked of sweat and alcohol, not the best combination.

I had completely forgotten about the smell when I seen her...dancing on another man?!

As soon as I laid eyes on my princess rubbing her ass on a guys crotch and resting her head against his shoulder, I went completely ballistic.

That man had his hands wrapped around her pretty little waist and was open-mouth kissing her neck.

I could smell the alcohol coming off of my baby girl from a mile away and I knew she was wasted. Normally when a she-wolf finds her mate—whether they've mated or not—touching another male is disgusting for them...except when their drunk. Victoria probably thinks that that male is one of us and can't tell the difference with how intoxicated she is.

No matter, I was absolutely pissed and I was about to let out the fiercest growl I've ever made, until Xavier stopped me.

"You can't do that here, this is a human club. That man she's dancing with, I want to rip him to shreds too but our rank means nothing here. Not to humans." Xavier explained way too calmly for my liking. How could Victoria even like him...?

I couldn't control myself any longer and so I made my way over to Victoria, grabbed her forearm, and dragged her over to where Xavier was waiting for us.

"Come on Vic, we're going home." Xavier said while Victoria whined and tried to wiggle out of my grasp.

"Hey! Don't touch her like that!" The horrendous man Victoria was grinding on said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" I replied sharply to him, not wanting to deal with a drunk man's shit.

"Y-you h-heard me..!" He said, now stuttering and losing the confidence he previously had as soon as he seen how jacked me and Xavier were.

"Just leave him Marcus." Xavier said when I death stared the man right in the eyes, waiting for the right moment to pounce on him and rip out his jugular while glorying in his screams.

All of my dreams of murdering this man were short lived when Xavier took a hold of my forearm now and started to drag me back to his pack.

No doubt I will be back for this man and he will pay for touching what's mine.

Rest assured that he will die...
And Victoria will be mine soon enough.


Again sorry this is posted late I was travelling on the road for 8-10 hours and I didn't have time to upload

I hope you enjoy and stay safe & drink water!!!

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