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『 Fᴜ𝗌𝗌ʏ ᴀɴᴅ Bᴏᴛʜᴇʀ𝗌ᴏᴍᴇ 』

     STAY OUT OF trouble, she said. Stay. Out. Of. Trouble. She said.

So why,


Why was Fujioka Haruhi, a female student, wearing the male's school uniform?!

Kinoka crossed her arms in thought.

Tamaki had informed her that Haruhi would be serving as a Host to repay her eight million yen debt.

Initially, of course, Kinoka thought that the scholarship student would be catering to the male students of Ouran Academy.

It was a smart move to expand their services that way and gain more profit.

After all, the male students were far too bashful or prideful to engage with the Host Club which only had male members.

Having a female Host would give them an excuse to simply visit the Host Club, regardless if they wanted to request the female Host or otherwise.

Kinoka's silver irises darted around Music Room #3.

Hosts were hosting, guests were enjoying.

Her gaze landed on Tamaki, who was flirting with his guests flamboyantly, and then back to Haruhi, who sat across her, confused but smiling politely.

Ah. So that's how it was.


Haruhi was beginning to tremble under the gaze of the lady in front of her. Ten minutes of guarded silence from her guest warranted as much.

Why said lady requested her, Haruhi didn't know. She didn't even know the lady's name.

"The vase that you broke, Fujioka."

But the lady certainly knew hers and what she had done.

Haruhi laughed nervously as she raised her head. "Y-Yes?"

The younger lady's deep hazel eyes met the Kinoka's silver-grey ones.

"It was mine."

Haruhi froze at that, a chill running up her spine. It only took her a moment to recover and she immediately stood and bowed.

"I'm sorry."

"Ah, well," Kinoka waved her hand. "I'm not particularly attached to it. Do take your seat. However, I did hope to share the profits with the Host Club after they auctioned it off."

"Oh," Haruhi did as told. "I see."

"That means you owe me as well."

"Oh," Haruhi sweatdropped. "I see."

Silence fell over the two.

While Haruhi could describe it as a suffocating atmosphere, Kinoka had no intention of making it so.

"Is the Host Club bothersome?" The older lady leaned into her seat, taking out her handkerchief and coughing.

Tʜᴇ Sᴜᴏʜ Hᴇɪʀ | 𝙾𝙷𝚂𝙷𝙲 [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now