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『 Sᴜʀᴘʀɪ𝗌ᴇ, Sᴜʀᴘʀɪ𝗌ᴇ 』

     PARTIES WERE NOT particularly interesting or disdaining to Kinoka.

They were simply a social gathering welcoming people, as well as, encouraging interaction that could very well end in a successful transaction or a connection gained.

Such events and occurrences were not particularly new to her either.

Especially at her very own 20th birthday party.

"Happy birthday, Suoh-san!"

"My, you've grown into a wonderful young lady!"

"Happy birthday!"

"The Sōma family wishes you a happy birthday, Suoh-san!"

Kinoka bowed deeply as she responded to each greeting of congratulations. "Thank you very much."

And for the rest of the first hour that her birthday party began, the lady bowed, smiled, said her gratitude, and repeated the cycle.

At last, ten minutes after the second hour, Kinoka found herself with a moment to rest as she moved to stand beside her grandmother, who was also resting by a table.

No one would dare approach the Suoh matriarch unless she addressed them.

"Enjoying the party?" Shizue inquired genuinely.

Kinoka leaned her weight on her left side yet made sure her posture did not indicate such a change. "Everyone is, thanks to you, Grandmother."

"Good," Shizue nodded contently. "And how are things with the Miyazonos?"

"Earlier while speaking with them, I subtly hinted at the Suohs' plans to open a new resort hotel. I'm confident that they will lend a hand in the construction and design," Kinoka hummed, recalling the expressions of the Miyazono couple. "Voluntarily, of course."

Shizue shut her eyes for a moment longer. "As expected, well done, Kinoka. This way, we decide the terms of the contract."

The lady bowed once again, her elegant kimono swaying gracefully as she moved. "Thank you, Grandmother."

Kinoka coughed softly as she straightened her posture, choosing to hide her body's spontaneity behind her fan.

"And how are you faring? Living and attending school alongside that…that child," Shizue proceeded, her eyes still shut as she spoke.

"He's quite bold, isn't he? Openly approaching you like he isn't a bastard child."

Kinoka blinked twice in surprise, her attention redirected towards a certain woman.


Reiō Akiko bowed in greeting, her kimono swishing sharply as she did so. "Good evening, Chairwoman. Pardon my tardiness, I've only just returned from Singapore."

Shizue nodded as the younger woman raised her head.

Akiko turned to her daughter. "Kinoka. You mustn't entertain him too much. What if he starts thinking that he's been accepted as a Suoh?"

Tʜᴇ Sᴜᴏʜ Hᴇɪʀ | 𝙾𝙷𝚂𝙷𝙲 [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now