Hometown Glory.

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Sirens encircled two cars as everyone, including Garcia, made their way into DC. They crossed from Virginia with little issue as cars moved out of their way until a large block stopped them. Fortunately, police caught sight of the sirens and directed them down an alley were they then crossed over the outer barriers where cars and reporters lined the outside.

With abject horror, Hotch sat in the passenger seat as Sera hurdled down the street. Morgan drove a fair distance behind with Reid directing him. However, even in the tight alley where bins sat on the side, she didn't even lift a bin lid as she drove faster than she ought to. 'The fires started three weeks ago, but no one linked them until yesterday. They were asking for our help, until this happened,' Garcia called down the line.

'Arsonists don't normally aim to kill people,' JJ mentioned.

'They don't normally start building bombs either,' Prentiss added.

Sighing dramatically, Morgan watched as Sera took the final corner out of the alley. He knew he could never even reach her speed, but her confidence boosted his a little. Even if he had knocked over several bins and scratched the car on a few larger bins.

'Why are they keeping hostages this time?' Rossi asked.

'They want to talk to us,' Hotch informed them.

Where to begin felt strange. But, as Sera parked the car, she jumped out, leaving the keys in the ignition. The smaller barricades only had a few police around them as the larger one kept everyone else at bay.

Ear pieces were handed out, but Sera grabbed a black box out from the bag Garcia held as she paired it with her hearing aids while hooking the object onto her belt.

It was the first time she had worn the FBI vest in a long time, and while stood in the cold streets of DC in winter, adrenaline warmed her as flashes of smoke flickered across her mind.

It'll be different. Just do a better job this time.

'Rossi will negotiate, the rest of us can join the police inside. Don't use your gun, we don't know if they used anything airborne this time. Vilein, stay out here and keep your eyes peeled,' Hotch demanded.

Wide eyes met the team. 'No. You guys can't go in. It's dangerous. You could all die,' Sera almost screamed.

Delegation had never been an issue before, but Hotch didn't have the time to explain as he walked along with the others towards the building.

Glued to the spot, Sera watched as everyone left. They disappeared through the two large doors that had been left open in case the building fell to the same fate as the others. She didn't blink, and Rossi saw the way she stilled. 'Don't freeze up now, kiddo,' he prompted as he tried to walk them both towards the large FBI van that sat in the corner, away from the building.

'I'll wait here. Easier to see,' Sera replied as she came back down to reality. 'They know we're here, you should go and negotiate,' she prompted.

Disappearing, Rossi regularly looked back at Sera, and even when in the van, one of his eyes dragged through the cameras as he saw her stood with her eyes glued to the building.

He then lifted the phone to his ear and waited for the BAU to get into their various positions as directed by SWAT and police. And then he accepted the call that had been put on hold. 'Oh, we're finally worth the FBI's time,' a woman called out.

A woman? Could this get any more untraditional? Let me guess, her helper is a Nazi impersonator who likes "Good Will Hunting". 

I've never seen that movie. I don't know why I thought about it.

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