Meandering Through Sounds.

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Three days of hospital visits let the team see Reid, but Sera ended up in isolation for two days after she had a reaction to some of her treatment. Hotch hadn't been present, and the few times she was out, he had to be at home or work, but she sent regular updates. Including pictures of her and Reid out together when she was allowed.

And then a case came in. Which took nearly a week, and Garcia had to join them. Of course while out, no paperwork was done and the emails piled in. It felt like four times more emails were coming in. Until he sat on the jet flying back. Every email she sent, he was either CC'd or BCC'd in. Sera singlehandedly completed expense forms that he was sure she shouldn't have had the details for, and managed his paperwork.

Garcia would be spoken to.

Since it was an away case, and it lasted so long, there would be a lot to write up, but the basics had been filled in, and from time to time, a member of the team stepped out, only to come back in with a whole new outlook on the case that helped them navigate their work. Something told him that Sera messaged them.

It was Monday before everyone was in the office again, and just like he always found it, the lights were on and coffee was still warm. He poured the drink without looking up. Part of him wished that she had gone. She was so sad when he last saw her, and he had lost his temper, but an even bigger part of him needed her to be there.

'I don't think Reid would appreciate me asking questions like that, but I would suggest refraining from anything sexual until his threadworm clears up.'

Her voice, it was like a familiar melody his mind forgot but his heart knew. And then her words washed over him. What world did that woman live in?

'Stop describing it before I turn to violence. The images I've created are traumatising enough,' Sera complained as she walked from the conference room to her office and back again.

Glancing up, Hotch saw that she was on her phone, talking to someone. She had never told him if she could hear, but he knew the doctors were trying. And after a second of thought, he realised that she never really took calls, she either spoke for a few seconds before excusing herself, or she let it ring.

It was as Sera was walking back to her office that she saw Hotch, and she offered a nod in greeting before she resumed berating whoever was on the other side of the phone. She was scooping up files from the conference room and planting them back in boxes.

After dropping his bag off, he walked to the door of Sera's office and waited for her to notice him. 'I'm just saying that if you are going to be a total twat, then expect some backlash,' she remarked.

In her hands was the unopened box that had landed on her desk before the damned case. From England, and it was his handwriting. She had meant to open it, but something always interrupted her.

With vigour, she listened to the call as she pulled a pocket knife out of her suit and extended the blade before cutting the tape that was viciously wrapped around it. An abundance of sweet treats not often sold in America was seen, including some of her favourites from the corner shops. But the box was carefully lifted as something heavy sat inside.

Ginger curls had been pushed into a hairband and everything sat atop her head, showing Hotch two small red lines that sat on the side of her head. Scars. But no hearing aids. 'I like my men like I like my coffee,' she teased. 'Gone before lunch,' she soon added, making the person on the other side of the phone laugh.

As the laugh echoed down the phone, she pulled it away until they quietened. With the device against her ear again, she used her shoulder to prop the phone up as she fought to remove the photo frame inside her package.

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