Aches and Pains.

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Snow, like the last few weeks, was heavily falling and blocking roads. Ploughs came along and cleared the busy roads, but windscreen wipers were pulled up to prevent sticking to the glass. But in the FBI building, dressed in their usual suits, the BAU were warm as the hours ticked on.

'Hey, we're going for some drinks tonight, do you want to join?' JJ asked when Sera came down to clean her mug. Hotch was stood with his mug, making another warm drink that he could finish before the end of the day. The pair were a short distance apart, but neither acknowledged the other.

Hotch was still torn. Why had Clive bothered him so much? And why did he keep thinking about the interrogation, and subsequent arrest. The way she had pulled him over the fence, and how she dropped the UnSub within seconds.

'Oh. Clubs and bars are still too loud. But Ag-Hotch should go. It's a bonding opportunity,' Sera responded as the cloth ran around her travel mug.

'What do you say Hotch?' JJ quickly piped up.

With a frown, Hotch glanced Sera over. 'I've got plans. But thank you for asking,' Hotch responded.

'Where are you taking Beth?' Reid asked.

Everyone let a sigh fall as they heard the remark. They had agreed not to say Beth's name, but forgot to tell Reid. But Hotch's head span. He hadn't been able to tell her about falling asleep holding Sera. Least of all the inappropriate dream he had in the hotel after Tristan was arrested.

'Oh no. I'm teaching Sera how to,' Hotch stopped when Sera cleared her throat loudly.

'I've told you that I am not going. You should go drinking, or just go with Jess and Jack,' Sera curtly responded before stalking back to her office. Work would be over in less than an hour, and she couldn't wait for the looks from the rest of the team to stop.

It was mortifying, the thought of Hotch seeing her scramble to skate, and he would definitely laugh. Jack and Jess would watch, mocking her. And it was precious family time that she would be eating into. So rather than wrapping up warm when the clock grew closer to half four, when everyone could leave for the weekend, she wrapped herself in paperwork.

An unexpected knock came to the door soon after, and Hotch was stood with his head tilted while he pressed a shoulder into the frame and he slowly folded his arms. He had a coat on, and his bag was pressed against him. 'How can I help you Ag-Hotch?' She asked as she turned back to her work.

'If you called me Hotch, or Aaron, when my back was turned, it would be easier,' he mentioned as a small smile dared to inch on one side of his face. It was small, and most would have missed it, but if Sera looked up, she would have recognised it in a second.

'It would also be easier if I were to quit and become a boring office worker, but here I am,' Sera dryly responded. 'There comes a time in a woman's life when she must choose between what is hard and what is easy,' she breathed, mocking Hotch a little as she signed off on a report.

Hotch finally let the other side of his mouth quirk up as he heard her dry humour. 'Let's get going. Jack and Jess are getting ready now,' he prompted, and after a long sigh, Sera got to her feet.

The fight left her, his tone had been so warm, and she had been so excited to skate that he was always going to win. 'I'll pick them up, and we can meet there,' Hotch offered, and Sera nodded as she pulled her coat around her and packed a few files into her bag.

Walking together in silence, the pair approached the lift and Hotch pressed the button for them both. They stepped in moments later as the lift dropped from the floor above. 'What floor?' She asked while pressing the button to her floor.

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