The Audit.

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Morgan, Hotch, JJ, Garcia, Reid, Prentiss, and Rossi took turns sat across the table from Strauss and two of her lackies. Each team member felt Sera staring at the back of their heads as she sat in the corner, trying to act unfazed.

The same questions were asked of each of them, and while Reid gave the most unnecessary attitude, the answers were all the same. 'I wasn't aware,' or 'I don't think that mattered at any point,' they would reply.

Stupid questions got stupid, closed answers. But they had to be asked. 'Are you aware of the situation leading to the arrival of Unit Chief Seraphina Vilein?' Was always one of the first, followed shortly by a barrage of questions regarding the character of the woman in the corner of the office.

Rossi was the last in, and when he left, a wink was given to Sera but she failed to even look at him as she stared at the three threatening figures who were questioning her team. One took notes while the other kept track of an evidence folder.

That morning, after Strauss had personally messaged everyone to request their early arrival, they found themselves at work not long after six. The bullpen was quiet, but everyone watched as Sera stood next to her sofa, refusing to sit, while a group of men and women in their FBI coats removed any and all computers and files.

No one understood what was happening, but they saw how the computer and files were pulled away for analysis while Strauss and her two helpers closed the blinds to the conference room. They were called up one by one after Sera walked in and sat at the back.

She was forced to sit and watch the motives and opinions of the team be questioned, while no one explained anything. Sera felt horrified, and wanted to make it all go away, but the director had insisted on it after a not so subtle comment from Allred. Fortunately the man was a known liar so the inquisition was done internally rather than externally.

When Hotch walked in, Sera stared up to the ceiling and refused to look at him. Her numbness to the truth had soon shifted to fear as she realised that she couldn't make herself hate him, and somehow she had managed to push him away. The man she loved was slowly becoming a stranger to her, and she had never felt more alone.

But as Rossi left, he was instructed to gather the rest of the team. It wasn't until the door closed that Sera stood and walked over to the table. She would be the one they focused on, and after the humiliating morning, she just wanted to get it over and done with.

The room silently filled, and Strauss was sure to stand as she delivered the final few blows while the two men in suits either side of her kept quiet.

Everyone pulled a chair, but they created a semicircle as they made sure to give Strauss the audience she so desperately seemed to crave. 'Agent Vilein, would you like to tell everyone what this is about?' She crisply asked.

'Unfortunately, I am unable to say. No one has explained it to me,' Sera responded.

'But you do know why we are here,' Strauss angrily replied.

Refusing to react, Sera kept her head level and her hands on the table in front of her while the team sat either side of her. 'Unfortunately, Ma'am, I am only able to speculate and I don't believe that is appropriate,' she rigidly responded.

'Your last team,' Strauss hummed, and Sera forced her breathing to calm down as she confidently stared at the woman in front of her. 'Tell me about what you did,' she ordered.

'It was a joint task force between anti-terrorism, firearms, and the bomb squad,' Sera flatly responded.

'And did you bring down your target?' Strauss asked. Sera nodded, before verbally agreeing and falling quiet. 'But there were some lives lost,' she concluded.

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