Political Justice.

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Arriving at the police station, Reid and Morgan were left to construct the profile while Sera and Hotch stood in the observation room. They saw the way Radcliff sat in his suit with his tie off and his top button undone. 'Hotch, can I have your tie?' She asked while buttoning her shirt up to the top.

'You look just like you did the first time we met,' Hotch hummed as he pulled at his tie, loosening it from his neck.

'Good. I was going for intimidating,' Sera replied as she grabbed her hair and bunched it behind her. 'Curly hair isn't perceived as intimidating, why do you think I straightened it?' She asked.

The tie was handed over, and Sera flicked her collar up. As she was pulling it around her neck, an officer walked into the room with a large grin on his face. 'Morning, afternoon. Which ever it is, pleasure to meet you,' he greeted.

Brown hair was a little messy on the head of the tall man who was dressed in his police uniform. His eyes scanned Sera over, and a small smile claimed his features. He was sure to shake both of their hands, but his eyes spent more time on her than Hotch.

'Can we help you?' Hotch asked.

'I was sent here to help with anything you need. I watched the last interrogation. My name's Clive,' he introduced.

Attention was pulled back to Sera when she stepped forward to talk. Her hands were pulling her collar down, Hotch noticed that she had retied it since it looked considerably shorter than when he handed it to her. 'Of course, Clive. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Vilein, and this is Hotchner. We're the unit chiefs. If there is anything you think we should know, please speak up. But no matter what, don't interrupt the interrogation,' she informed him quickly.

The freckles over Clive's face had drawn Sera in. Her freckles were often the only in the room, so when another friendly face had them, she was always sure to make a point of greeting them. In truth, she hated them, they reminded her of too many distant memories. But on other people, she loved them.

'Ah, always good to put a face to a name. Thanks for coming,' Clive responded, pushing his full attention onto Sera as Hotch was practically forgotten.

'I do apologise, but I'm going to need to get in there. We need to go over the interrogation first,' Sera excused as she went back to taming what she could of her hair into a less messy bun that sat at the back of her head.

Hotch held his tablet and scanned the notes they had made on a shared document. 'Do you need me for anything? A sign and I can make a noise or something,' he offered.

'No. I won't need to see you. Maybe your voice will be helpful. When I walk in, I'll talk to you and be a bit bossy,' Sera responded as she checked the length of the thin black tie that had white spots on.

His nod to confirm came, and she brought a deep breath in before applying mauve lipstick. 'If you're worried at all, I can call or come get you. I'll make sure we don't change his perception of you,' he offered. After what happened the last time he watched her in an interrogation, he would have done anything to avoid what followed.

'I'm flattered, but don't worry. Last time was different. I was flirting with a serial rapist and murderer who killed women like me,' Sera reminded him. 'I'm getting bored and angry with a coward this time,' she comforted as her eyes sent a careful glance to him.

'And if your ears hurt,' Hotch began, but Sera quickly spoke over him.

'I will leave. The worry is justified, a room like that with me and one quiet man is so dangerous for my ears,' Sera taunted as she shook her head. 'I never get sore ears in places like that,' she reassured.

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