We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

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The twenty-second soon came flying by, and the team excitedly made sure to be ready as soon as the clock struck six. It was a compromise as Will didn't finish in time to get Henry ready and out the door after he finished work, and Sera was overflowing with cases and writeups. As the holiday season was upon them, everyone had slipped in their standards, and Hotch had shirked half of their corrections over to her.

But at six, Sera stepped out of her office with a comforting look about her face and Hotch stepped out of his with his usual stern stare. The others stood in the bullpen with excited smiles on their faces. 'I'm doing this because of you so don't go looking at them with a scowl,' she chastised as he arrived at her side and walked with her.

'You're doing this because you are part of the team,' Hotch argued.

'No. I'm doing this because we made a deal that I didn't understand the gravity of. Hotch,' Sera reminded him before shaking her head to rid the curls from over her eyes.

Garcia bubbled with glee, and Reid keenly followed her example while the others just seemed relieved to be getting out and letting loose. Work the next day meant that they would have to stay at least slightly sober.

Everyone drove separately, but they still climbed into the lift together, and Morgan took their orders for what floors to press. No one else was in there with them, and they were grateful for the time alone. 'I pressed your floor already, the button is lit up,' he complained when Prentiss took to repeating her floor number. 'You're always acting stupid,' he sharply added.

'Oh go hug a landmine,' Prentiss snapped back. A chorus of bickering ensued.

Rossi glanced from the corner of his eye at the agents, and Hotch prepared to tell them to be quiet when someone sternly cleared their throat from the back of the lift, and the two fell quiet. Eyes darted to the source, and ginger curls were seen first as she checked her phone for the millionth time that day.

When the doors pinged, Prentiss stepped out, and Sera was close behind, sure to send a stern glance back before walking to her car. The doors closed just as her headlights flashed and the car unlocked.

Sera was last to arrive, but no excuse had to be given when she furiously slipped out and a man significantly taller than her stepped out from the seat beside her. 'If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted,' she declared while slamming the door shut.

Fortunately, only Garcia and Prentiss were around as they had gone looking for their last arrivals.

'You can't say I am wrong,' the unidentified man replied.

'Have you always been this dense, or did you take an evening class?' Sera snapped.

'Oh come on, you love me,' he responded, and Sera reluctantly agreed.

'I'd still sell your soul for a sausage roll,' she sneered before noticing the two agents and waving. 'Now don't act like a prick. And kids will be there, one wrong step and I'm burying you in a poison ivy,' she warned. 'We both know how well that went last time,' she darkly remarked.

'Yeah, a hospital visit and a home check from the school,' he retorted.

Sera stopped in front of Prentiss and Garcia, large smiles on their faces while they silently waited for an introduction to the smiling man behind her. 'Penelope Garcia and Emily Prentiss, meet Idris Vilein, my brother,' she breathed.

His British accent had been an indication, but what struck them were the eyes. His ginger hair had darkened to more of a brown, but his eyes were the exact same as Sera's. From hue to shape. Only, his seemed to gleam with a little hope and innocence.

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