chapter 14

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Noah looks around to see many moms, from house wives to the type who only wants to be here for clout so in all 10 moms, Sihan sweats he brought too many cupcakes. 

"Um… hello I'm Sihan Evans…. And… and thus is baby Noah… say Hi Noah" 

Noah simply raises his hand then folds and opens his fist back repeatedly. This surprised the mothers because Noah didn't look that much old though it was hard to tell considering he's chubby. 

"Hello Sihan, Hi Noah!" They all greet in unison. 

Sihan feels more welcome by the greetings then soon raises the box with cupcakes, "I've cupcakes I'd like to share" 

The mothers all smile as they welcome Sihan into their group ready to introduce themselves, placing Noah with the other babies Sihan offers the cupcakes as all the mother's eat and chat.

"You're so cute and young!" 

"Thank you, your very beautiful too in fact all of you are lovely and beautiful," 

"Aww so sweet" they all said in unison. 

"Tell me, where did you buy these? They are delicious. My son's 5th birthday is coming up and I'd like plenty," a lady named Marebelle asks politely.

"I didn't buy them, I made them, I added a little sprinkle and secret ingredient to it so the taste could heighten a bit but not leave an aftertaste in it". 

The mothers look at each other curiously then smiles, "then please, can you make some cupcakes for me please I'd like to buy them." 

Sihan was taken aback, he wanted to do something in his free time when he's not playing with Noah, he doesn't fancy watching movies but he loves to be creative so he'd always do things like painting, making recipes, making collages and even taking pictures, anything that improves his creativity. 

Sihan is glad since this is a hobby, Nathaniel won't mind! Though he will be making money.

Noah looks at the other babies bored out his mind, 'hi how are you? I'm Noah, I'm reincarnated and my previous name was Shavon I recently turned 16' 

Noah looks over to his mother feeling nice, in the book the protagonist was pretty much isolated because of the gong's paranoia at being found out for being involved with a minor not mention and illegitimate child and being from a one the most powerful family in the country, it was a very big deal considering he is one of the heirs to the inheritance.

Noah remembers the sadness he reads about when the shou had no one to talk to so he talks to the baby, because it was the only ear to listen but he'll always end up sad because while he enjoys telling Noah about his day he would like to speak to someone who is intelligent enough to communicate with him.

But now it is different, it seems his odd behaviour lands him some people to interact with, even if it were rich moms.

Sihan was blending quite naturally which puts Noah at peace. 

After two hours the mother and son return home, Sihan contemplates calling Nathaniel first or the doctor? He will try Nathaniel first.

Dialling the number and ringing he receives now answers after the next 3 tries. "It seems his busy" 

He should have known better Nathaniel is never free this time, it might be worse for doctor Amani and so he waited another hour before he officially called him. Luckily he got through. 

"Hello Dr. Amani, how may I help you?" 

"Um… hello doctor Amani, this is Sihan from last week…" 

Dr. Amani looks up, taking out the sweet, trying to scratch his brain for one Sihan Evans only to remember. "Uh, right. How is the baby judge doing?" He inquires. 

Sihan lights up glad that the doctor remembers, "Um, he's fine, very much so, today he seems more comfortable. Because I was worried about his psychological health, my boyfriend suggested a mother's daycare…" 

"That is indeed a good idea, helps the baby interact with his peers. Also you should also focus on your health as well Mr. Evans babies are really sensitive around their mothers especially close nitt ones. Sometimes your mood affects him and by this I don't mean to suppress and ignore your own feelings but you should practise to regulate it and focus on being relaxed. You seem quite tense the time we met," he spoke fluently. 

Sihan was surprised at how professional Dr. Amani sounds, one would think the person he met was a stranger. 

Dr. Amani looks to the corner to see another doctor making hand signs at him. "I'm sorry Mr. Evans but something urgent has come. How about I call you after I get off work, then we will have a thorough discussion. " 

"Um… okay goodbye," 

"Byebye, say good evening to grumpy for me," he teases. 


They both hang up, as he then looks at the exhausted Noah out cold. 

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