chapter 45

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Sihan looks up to see Alex in the bakery with his bright and happy smile, somehow it seems Alex has taken a liking to him to his dismay.

“Today is your first day opening so I want to be your first customer!” He announces.

“First customer?” 

“Yes! Also you can take a picture of me as a first customer,” he said shyly, “I've been on your profile and see that you take very beautiful pictures, can you take mine please?” He asks politely with beckoning eyes.

Sihan smiles then pats Alex head lightly. “Of course,” 

“Thank you, I'll even you pay you for pictures!” 

“No need!” 

“Of course! I've even gave a few of my friends you card, so as your first customer I'll order one big cake to share between my husband and sons!” He said, enthusiastically.

Sihan hands trembles, his cake? Nathaniel? He hates its. “Are you sure, I-I don't… t-think…” 

“Hm? What's that I can't hear you beyond your stuttering. Don't be nervous breathe in, breathe out!” 

Noah's eyes blank, why does Alex sound like a martial arts instructor? He sighs.

“Okay, what type of cake?” Noah asks politely.

“Hm? Little cashier! Why are you not at school?” He asks curiously.

“I'm too intelligent for school,” 

“Hehehe, right Noah Noah is for too smart for school. I'd like an Angel cake Hmm can I get a chocolate on the side,” 

Noah clicks the pen then writes down Alex's orders, “hmm?” Alex looks at Sihan as if asking for answers.

“It's just as Noah said, his IQ is sharper than his pairs so finding an adequate school for him is a little… hard. Then there are the prices.” 

“Then send him to M and M school, it's an elite school that provides for children with high IQ. As long as Noah can keep up a certain grade and activities in school then the school fees is of course lowered and I will of put in a word for you!” Alex said.

Sihan thinks not, that's too intertwined with Nathaniel's life. “I'll think about it,” 

‘It's a no, isn't it?’ Noah thought sharing eye contact.

‘It's a definite no, sorry Noah’ Sihan looks away from Noah in guilt.

‘You owe me, mother,’ 

‘I definitely owe you,’ 

Alex blinks at the two, then sihan breathes. “So, would like anything? Doughnut? croissants?” 

“Oh croissants! I'll have three a cinnamon roll and four chocolate strip, I'm a real sweet tooth,” 

“It's okay, I know someone who loves sweets as well.” Sihan smiles.

“No, Dad is obsessed, If I ever needed can all I need to do is search his pockets, his the whole factory.” 

“Haha, your banned from doing that! No more sweets for you” Sihan said 


“Your gonna get cavities,” 

“Tell that to dad, he eats more candies than me,” 

“He is a doctor,” 

“Not a dentist,” 

Sihan face darkens as he realizes his son was back talking him. 

“Noah, what did I say?” 

Noah looks at his mother face then pouts, “no sweets, for how long?” 

“Just seven days, I don't want my baby with a tooth ache okay?” 


“Wow such an obedient son, it's ever so rare my beautiful babies to listens.” Alex smiles.

“Well Noah is…” 

“Don't feel awkward about it, I'm not complaining really they are my babies but they are only four (4). And I wouldn't have them any other way.” 

“You really adore your children,” 

“We both do, well it seems that time is going. Nate and I have plans to stay at home today and relax we are both so busy we barely get any lone time if you understand me, hehe”.

Sihan is jealous, but what else could he feel? He is too sad to feel be angry, too hurt to not care. But he knows he must let go in order to be free from these feelings. 

Sihan waves goodbye at Alex as he exits the place, Sihan breathes a sigh of relief but his face shade darkens he feels like a bad person. But in the he has to protect Noah, “Noah, I love you”.

Noah looks up at his mother a bit sad, “I love you too mommy.” 

“Let's tell each other we love each other everyday, okay?” Sihan said with trembling lips.

“Don't we already do?” 

Sihan chuckles winking the tear that was about to fall away. “Yes, but that's why we should make sure. No matter what “I love you” will always be told to each other, okay? So pinky promise?” 

Noah looks at Sihan's hooked pinky then intertwined his, “promise”. 

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