chapter 16

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Nathaniel sits in the coach awkwardly, he could feel Carlton's staring at him. Why didn't Sihan inform him of his parents' visit? 

Was this a set up? Did he purposefully do this? No, he didn't know he was gonna come today but still he knows he comes here at random so why didn't inform him?!

"So… what's your name?" Carlton asks 

"Nathaniel… Laurier," he answers hesitantly. 

"Like the brand?" He asks curiously, while observing Nathaniel.

"...yes," he answers cautiously.

Nathaniel since he was a kid had to meet with many business people and form connections with other people, so it was hard for him to feel intimidated but… for some reason he feels intimidated by Carlton. 

"So, how did you meet my son?" 

Carlton wants to know, as far as he could remember he sent his son to some famous school to help improve his talent and for a dream career with only to have that career disrupted by this qsshole sitting next to him.

"During a sports tournament…" 

Technically it was the party night of the tournament but there is no need for this man to know that right. 

"He was shy and wanted to be friends," 

He was quite bold yet shy, flustered like a criminal in the act. Remembering the night he can't help but chuckle at how cute he was, not very sober but cute. 

"Les~ be friends!" 

Nathaniel smiles, Carlton looks at him. "Say… what do you think about Sihan going back to school?" 

Nathaniel looks at him, "isn't that a bit… too quick?" 

Carlton cracks a smile, an unpleasant one, "how so?" 

"Well, Noah is only 3 months old. I don't know if you notice sir, but Sihan is very antsy without Noah." 

He tried, but he'll never interfere. Some nights he'd find Sihan folded up in the crib with Noah, going to the bathroom alone with the baby proved difficult for him. Send Sihan to school and try separating the two first. 

"Ultimately he doesn't necessarily need to. I will take responsibility and take care of Noah," he said.

"Hey, how old are you?"


"How long since you two became an item" 

"2 years" 

"What type of work do you do?" 

"I'm a manager," 

"At such a young age?" 

"I very work hard," 

"What are your plans towards my son?" 

"I plan to… marry him someday after I'm done arranging some issues," 

"What issues?" 

"There are many first is the legal issue," 

"Ah right… he's not 20 and can't marry." 

He looks at Carlton who looks like he doesn't have any more questions to ask, good he feels tired. But he doesn't think he can relax with them around. 

Sihan was in a grocery store with Noah pushing the tray, he smiled as he took up the bag with brand meat. "Mom and dad are careful about brands and expenses. These are relatively cheap and very good since they will be here for a while. We'll use these". 

Sihan discusses with the baby, Sihan observes the meat carefully then picks the right choice. Walking to the organic section of the store he sees a man smoking while staring at the shelf, horrified he uses a simple towel to cover his baby's head. 

Sihan is upset, who smokes in a store! The man looks deep in contemplation. He then takes out the smoke revealing there was no smoke was it not lit? The doctor sighs then puts it back in and puts his hands in his pocket.

Turning to the shelf he takes out bell peppers observing with sneaking a pique at the man looking closer he realised. "D-Dr. Amani?!" 

The doctor turns at him, then smiles at him with a wave. "Mr. Evans" 

He walks up to him shoving the shopping cart, Sihan got a closer look at the item in his mouth. Amani, feeling the stare, smiles with a slight chuckle. "No worries, it's not a cigarette it's a hard candy chalk".

Sihan blushes in embarrassment, he just assumed things right off the bat. "I'm sorry," he apologised.

"It's okay, maybe half a year ago you'd be correct since this is a coping mechanism for my smoking," he said.

"You used to smoke?" 

"A lot, but I feel as a doctor I shouldn't be doing such stuff so I decided that I will quit smoking," he said in a joking manner. 

Sihan chuckles along, Dr. Amani then looks at the towel over Noah's head and smiles. "Sleeping?" 

Sihan blush embarrassment and ashamed 9f himself. "Uh no," 

"Do not feel comfortable with random people seeing him?" Dr. Amani asks.

"Not really," Sihan said, feeling guilty. 

Dr. Amani could see his questions were starting to overwhelm Sihan and so he turned back to the shelf. "So help me with this, I'm not at home often but I decided to cook something tonight but can't decide what to buy or cook". 

Sihan lights up, helping others is what he loves to do. Noah wonders why is he here experiencing this? Amani wasn't even in the book. Is this what they call a second male lead in the making? 


Who has 2nd male lead syndrome?

What do you think of Nathaniel?

And Amani?

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