chapter 43

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Noah looks up at his mom, touching his thigh and resting his head on it. He could see it the sorrows he hates it, “Mom,” 

“Noah,” Sihan looked at him as he heard his son.

“Do you want to paint something together?” He asks.

Sihan smiles, snapping out his gloomy thoughts, “yes.” 

Picking up the blank canvas, Sihan fixes up the paints and things they need. Painting together was something they did often and Sihan must say his son is a genius, Noah could draw better than a grown adult. Everything about him was special and exceeded his ability, it made him worried at times but also impressed and grateful. 

Looking at Noah he can't help but see how much he resembles his father, but that never bothered him. How could it ever? It was his child, no matter what was done to him. Sihan bites his lips, to cope with the pain when he was Nathaniel he suppressed his deepest emotions and the terrible things that were done to him. He had to delude himself that things weren't as they seemed just so he didn't have to make Nathaniel upset…

Sihan wonders was he deluding himself into thinking that he actually spoke nicely to Alex? Or maybe it's just a face and really the two aren't well he doesn't know…

Nathaniel was looking at the baby blinky in his hand and a picture of baby Noah, it's been almost six years and there was no trace of his son or Sihan. He has searched but still, he worries what life they are living, are they okay? 

He knows his parents have something to do with it but they will never admit it, private investigators of the highest quality could come up with nothing and clues. He worries about Noah. How does he look now? Does he know his father longs to see him? Sihan, what about him? How is he surviving well? He knows Sihan can be timid at times.

Putting the picture and blinky in the drawer he closes it with a key then puts the chain around his neck hiding the key. Soon Alex walks in to see him, “Nate!” He jumps hugging him.

Nathaniel smiles, kissing him, he then kisses Alex cheeks then the forehead. “Where are our little angels,” 

“Out like a lantern, they played a lot today.” He said as he turned around allowing Nathaniel to remove the jacket.

“you seems happy as well,” 

“Yes, I think I made a new friend today. He is very pretty and the son is adorable, but a bit grumpy. He is all like no candy from strangers. You've failed the path of Buddha hahaha. I don't think he understands half the things coming from his mouth and… oh! And his face is “all I'm very mature” but he is so adorable.” Alex chatters.

Nathaniel chuckles at the quick chattering of his wife; he likes to talk about his entire days out, taking off his shoes he slowly looks up when there is silence. Alex's face smiles at him softly Nathaniel is enchanted by the beauty and softness. “What?” 

“Nothing, it's just that I'm very happy where we are.” 

“I'm happy too,” Nathaniel agrees. “A wonderful wife with two lovely children,” 

“Hmm, it's funny how you didn't want any.” Alex smiled sadly.

“I'm sorry, I'm sure it hurts you a lot… it's just that–” 

“I know we were young, you weren't sure we were ready, it's always gonna be like that at first but hey life has it's unexpected challenges but you know what as long as we push forward and work together.” Alex cheers heading for the bathroom.

“It wasn't that really it's just…” 



Nathaniel wanted to say it's because that's what his parents want, he hates that they are winning but he also doesn't want Alex to hurt his face he doesn't want to hurt him.

Alex hung out his head with a silly grin, “do you not want to join?” 

“Aren't you tired?” 

“No, though I want to be.” He flirts goofily 

Both laugh as Nathaniel slowly begins to undress, if only Sihan were here or probably would have been him. 

Noah looks at his mother as he sleeps in his room, he couldn't sleep and so he woke to check on him. His mom slept quietly without any tears or nightmares. It was a good thing, after checking on his mom he went downstairs and wanted some hot chocolate.

Upon going downstairs he stopped at the stairs seeing Amani who was on the phone.

“I don't know how you got this number, but don't call me anymore. I don't do that type of work anymore, stop offering no amount will make me change my mind so please. Leave me the fuck alone!” Amani hung up the phone, sighing; he then blocked the number but paused when he saw the little feet on the stairs.


What do you think Nathaniel?

What about Amani? Are you curious about his backstory?

What about Amani? Are you curious about his backstory?

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