Chapter 23 - "Deep breaths"

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Punch. Kick. Duck. Incantation. Repeat.

Actions are used against the monster. Josie uses a spell to throw something at it and it dodges the flying object with no struggle. The twins have taken some magic from Hope, but they're running low. Spells become less efficient each second.

Caroline tries to sprint at it, but she's flung across the room.

Alaric isn't much help. After all, he's only human. He attempts to shoot some arrows with his crossbow. Most of them miss. The ones that don't tear through the creature's skin, yet it doesn't appear to have much effect.

The beast laughs at them, before charging at another target.

A punch to its ribs, then its face. Each hit has little to no effect, leading many of them to the conclusion that this is one of the strongest monsters they've faced. It fights with force and anger, taking them all by surprise.

And even though it puts up one hell of a fight, it's no match for Hope Mikaelson. Her hits do the most damage despite having not drunk blood yet this morning.

She growls, her eyes showing their brand-new color. Magic burst from her - a mere sign of her new power.

The growl is partly from aggression, but also because of how early it is. Seriously, they all look rather ridiculous fighting a monster in their pajamas. No doubt they'll all joke about it after, just like every other time.

Hope pounces at it again. It shoves her off and lands a hit to her stomach. The air is knocked from her lungs, but she regathers her breath quickly. From behind her, Josie takes some more magic to perform a spell. It gives Hope enough time to lunge at the monster again. Her fingers dig into its chest and pull out its heart. Blood oozes from the gaping hole and drips to the floor. A few long seconds pass and the body collapses. Hope tosses the heart aside as if it's nothing.

"That was fun." Hope jokes. A simple spell and her hands are cleaned of red.

"You're hot when you play hero," Josie whispers in Hope's ear, making her blush. Thankfully, Caroline is too busy talking to Ric to overhear. Josie's lips brush against Hope's ear. The tribrid feels like she's melting. She feels every hair on her neck stand. Everything is heightened for her. If Josie's family weren't nearby, Hope would be connecting their lips already.

"It wasn't fun, Hope. You have more power than anyone's ever had, you need to show me you can control it."

"Go easy on her, Ric." Caroline jumps in.

"I am. Look, until your family has helped you and say that you've got it under control, I think it's best you skip classes." He stops. "In the meantime, Caroline, Josie, and Lizzie, can you help me dispose of this body please?" The three of them agree.

"I'll see you later, love," Hope says. And so the twins go with their father, which is lucky for Josie as her skin is turning bright red from the word 'love'. That girl knows exactly what to say to have Josie turn into a complete mess.

Hope is grateful to have been granted to have time away from classes. Given the developments in her life, it's needed. She's not sure she trusts herself around that many students yet. But that's what her family is coming for; to train her, show her how to control her new abilities. How to use them for her benefit. When it comes to bloodlust, nobody knows how to better suppress it than the Mikaelsons. After all, they're the oldest vampires on the planet, so they've dealt with it for the longest.

Josie thought that perhaps everything that's happened to her in the past few weeks would give her a pass too, but no. That dream is crushed by her father's voice demanding she gets ready after they dispose of the monster's corpse.

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