Chapter 43 - "Goodbye"

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It has been over a month since the battle - since they lost so many innocent lives. They held so many funerals and had beautiful services for each individual. They've honored them all, had the families in, giving everyone a chance to grieve and say their goodbyes. None of it has been easy, but everyone has stuck together and supported each other.

The school is finally completely clean, everyone who had turned is much more comfortable in their new abilities, and it has come time for the Mikaelsons to leave. Each of them has their own business to attend to and now that the school is safe, they are no longer needed. And while it is the day that they are leaving, they have all spent their entire morning with Hope. They shared stories, gave her advice, and had breakfast. They've had to plenty to say about her and Josie, saying how glad they are that Hope is happy. And they've been like any other normal family, something that hasn't happened with all of them present since Hope's father died.

"Oh come on! One last family photo before you all leave later?" Hope asks, mainly because her other ones were burned by Alaric when she jumped into Malivore. "Please? Since I came back here, I haven't got any to put in my room."

"Alright. Fine." Hope gets her phone out and sets it up on the table.

"Josie, get in here," Kol shouts. Josie stares at him from across the room, where she had been sipping away at her bag of blood as the family packed their last few things.

"Really?" She questions and he nods. "O-okay." Josie sets the cup aside and walks over. Hope smiles at her girlfriend, happy that her family is accepting Josie as part of the family too.

Hope sets a ten-second timer, waiting for everyone to huddle together in a nice formation before she can start the timer. Hope presses the button and runs over, finding her place in the middle. They all smile, holding their poses until the photo is taken. Hope grabs her phone, a large smile spreading across her face the moment she sees the final result.


Bags are being loaded into cars as Hope and Josie stand to one side, waiting to say their last goodbyes.

"Got your hands full with this one, darling. I'd watch out if I were you." Kol jokes, earning a gentle slap from Hope and his wife.

"Oh, believe me, I know," Josie says back.

"Hey!" Hope gives Josie a fake annoyed glare, which lasts about three seconds. Josie puts on a goofy smile and Hope folds, unable to pretend she's upset any longer, instead opting to kiss Josie quickly before any of her family can tease her. Josie makes her rounds to say goodbye, then steps back to allow Hope time to have her goodbye.

"Gonna miss my favorite niece." Kol does the typical thing of rubbing at Hope's head, messing up her hair a little. She groans but doesn't really protest.

"I guess I'm gonna miss you too." Hope receives a group hug from Kol and Davina. Then it comes Rebekah's turn, then Marcel's as he said "Goodbye, kid". Keelin follows along, leaving Freya to go last.

"She's gonna need your help with all the vamp stuff," Freya says, taking a subtle glance at Josie.

"I know. And I'll be there for her every step of the way." Hope says. "She's already doing amazing like I knew she would."

"Don't forget you can call if you need help, or have any questions, or anything at all."

"I will." Hope initiates the hug. "Bye. Talk to you all soon." Hope says.

"Don't go dying again or throwing yourself into any more hell dimensions without letting us know first," Rebekah says, laughing at her joke.

"No promises." Hope responds, having let go of her aunt. The tribrid walks back over to Josie, wrapping an arm around her back, holding its position slightly above her waist. They stand there, waving as the family gets into their seats and drives off.


Josie wipes the blood off of her mouth, having finished her evening drink of blood. She walks as towards Hope's room, knowing she will need some company. The girl looks down at her clothes, thankful that things didn't get messy and she hasn't discovered some stray drops of blood.

She knocks on the door before walking in and sees Hope under her covers and staring at her phone.

"You doing okay?" Josie asks as she cuddles up next to Hope. She can't help but notice that Hope is in fact staring at the photo they had taken this morning. Josie rubs Hope's arm softly, her hand sliding into a comfortable grip with Hope's.

"Yeah, I just hate goodbyes. I mean, I know they're only a phone call or astral projection away, but it still sucks. I miss them." Hope sighs. She has said goodbyes far too many times in her life, and in some cases, she never even got the chance to say goodbye. That had sucked. So, at least she got to this time.

Josie stares into the blue eyes of her girlfriend, which seem to be laced with a little more sadness than usual. She feels the need to cheer Hope up and goes with the first idea that comes to mind. "How about this? Instead of sitting here all sad, I head out, get my pj's and some snacks, then come back here and we have a movie night. How does that sound?" Josie suggests.

"That actually sounds perfect, love."

"Great! See you in five!" Josie gives Hope a sweet kiss and runs out the door in a blur. Hope smiles after her, wondering how on earth she has gotten so lucky to get to love Josie, to have such an amazing girlfriend. A girl who also happens to be her friend, her best friend. Hope knows that no matter what happens, she will always have Josie in her life, by her side through everything. And together, they can overcome any obstacle that gets thrown their way. Together, they can be anything, do anything.

~the end~

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