Chapter 7 - "I like to go to parties sometimes"

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Josie and Hope have been hanging out a lot, to the point that people are debating if they are joined at the hip. Neither of them thought it was possible to become closer friends, yet they keep proving themselves wrong. Both of them feel as though they've learned so much about each other in their current weeks together. Simple things like their favorite candies, or how Hope's least favorite fruit is grapes. Most of the things they've learned are stupid little facts, but help them get to know each other better.

They are currently sitting in the twins' room, rolling around in a fit of laughter. They hear the sudden sound of the door opening with a swoosh, so they sit up.

"Dramatic entrance, much?" Josie greets her sister. She's not surprised by Lizzie, just made that she's interrupted her and Hope's alone time. "You could've knocked, perhaps? I mean what if I was changing?"

"Oh please I could hear you and Hope from the other end of the freaking school. You weren't quiet...And now that I say that I probably should've knocked." Lizzie smirks, with a knowing look at her sister and Josie quickly catches on to what she finds so entertaining.

"Seriously Lizzie?" Josie interrogates her sister, who continues playing innocent. Hope glances between the siblings, but remains confused throughout the entire exchange. She sits back and observes their silent conversation, knowing that she is missing something.

"What exactly has got you barging in through the door like that?" Hope folds her arms in front of her chest.

"Rude." Lizzie gasps. "I came to tell you about a party the wolves are throwing at the Mill later. Everyone is invited. It's going to be huge."

"Won't Dad just shut it down?" Josie tilts her head to one side.

"When has he ever stopped us before?"

"That's fair..." Josie contemplates the offer given to her. On the one hand, it could be fun to go to a party for a change, but on the other, she doesn't know if she has the energy. Hiding your true feelings from the same person you spend almost every minute with is a rather tough challenge. Ultimately, she makes a decision. "Okay, I'm in."

"Wait really? I didn't expect you to say yes so fast." Lizzie appears shocked, stunned even. Her sister has never been much of a party person. If she ever went to any, Lizzie had normally dragged her along to be a wing woman, so to say. This time, Josie is choosing it herself.

"Why not? I like to go to parties sometimes."

"What about you Hope? Would you dare join Josie and me?" Lizzie turns to look at the auburnette. Hope has been staring at the floor, not paying much attention until she hears her name.

"Me? No, I don't party. No, thank you."

"Come on, Mikaelson. It'll be fun. You should learn to socialize once in a while." Hope still refuses Lizzie's offer.

"Please? For me?" Josie attempts, giving the tribrid a soft look. When Hope stares into Josie's eyes, the stern look that had been on her face relaxes. For some reason, Hope wants to say yes after Josie asks. The word no longer seems to be in her vocabulary, Why on earth can't I say no when Josie is the one asking?

"Ugghh...Fine." Hope gives in. Josie says a short 'yay' to which Hope chuckles. Even Lizzie seems excited. They haven't gone to a party as a trio before, so it gives them all something to look forward to.


Josie's thought process is all over the place, as are her clothes. She can't decide on what to wear. Does she want to go for something simple and cute? Or would she rather go a bit sexier, yet still not too much? Yeah whatever, it's only a party, not a fashion show. And normally Josie would've just worn whatever, but knowing that Hope is going to be there has thrown a spanner in the works.

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